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Published January 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in San Antonio, Texas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is pursuing a request for qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms (Respondent) to provide water resources engineering services to support SAWS water resource planning efforts. Engineering services shall include, but are not limited to engineering design, construction oversight, testing, reporting, new water supply evaluation and feasibility studies, evaluation of existing water supplies, cost/benefit analyses, materials selection, demographics support, and as further detailed in the Scope of Services in this RFQ. The selected firm will perform the outlined services in this RFQ, on a work order (WO) and as-needed basis. Estimated Project Cost: A (5) five-year term $150,000.00 per year for a maximum contract value of $750,000.00. Scope of Services The selected firm shall provide the following services: 1. Conduct planning level feasibility studies and preliminary analysis on various water resource projects. 2. Design and provide construction oversight for water resource projects (i.e. facilities design, injection facilities design, pipeline, and infrastructure design. 3. Provide bidding services to including pre-bid meetings, responses to contractor questions and bid evaluations, when required. 4. Provide water resource project cost analysis and preliminary engineering estimates, detailed Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC) and conduct economic analysis including, but not limited to, cost benefit analysis, cost-effectiveness analysis, cost-minimization analysis and budget-impact analysis. 5. Provide insight and support for regional demographical studies, evaluation and validation. 6. Provide field data acquisition and assistance when required. 7. Provide water quality analysis and blending scenarios related to the combination of several water sources. 8. Assist in development of permit applications, mediation, and contested case hearings when required. 9. Provide guidance and recommendations to SAWS on existing or future water supply projects based on current local and state regulations. 10. Provide analysis of leasing programs and agreements for groundwater and surface water rights, reservoir storage, and the purchase of an existing water system. 11. Assist in development of SAWS Water Management Plan (generally updated 5-year cycle), to include: population projections based on current demographics from state, regional, local, and SAWS sources, provide guidance and recommendations to SAWS for the selection of the most appropriate population projection for use in demand forecasting, incorporation of SAWS conservation measures (per capita water use) in demand projections, incorporation of projected climate change impacts to SAWS current water supplies, develop water supply requirements based on demand, conservation measures, projected climate change and outline the projected timing when San Antonio will require the water supply, identification of future water supply gaps for the short term (10-15 years), mid-term (20-25 years), and long-term (30-40 years) timeframes, provide cost benefit analysis of the various supply projects based on cost, time, regulatory impacts and SAWS criteria, provide recommendations and assistance in public engagement and stakeholder involvement, assist SAWS staff in the preparation of graphics for presentation of the Water Management Plan to internal and external stakeholders. 12. Perform environmental site assessments when required. 13. Provide brainstorming ideas on various topics as determined by SAWS staff. 14. Complete other water resource engineering tasks as determined by SAWS staff. 15. Apply knowledge of regulatory issues to all work performed. 16. Provide engineering support for annual testing and reporting related to SAWS Class I injection wells including the Annual Injection Zone Report, Annual Pressure Falloff Testing, Mechanical Integrity Testing, and update of Injection well plugging costs based on TCEQ requirements when required. In addition, provide engineering support and field supervision for any remedial work on SAWS Class I Injection Wells. 17. Develop TCEQ Notice of Change documents related to SAWS Class I Injection wells when required. 18. Provide assistance with water loss prevention across the SAWS potable water distribution system when required. 19. Present findings, reports, technical presentations or provide assistance as required for SAWS Board, other appropriate boards, regulatory agencies, underground water district, River Authorities, cities and citizen committees that may be needed for SAWS public participation and information processes related to the selection of water resource alternatives, water resource projects or project recommendations. The level of detail, time and budget related to tasks performed in conjunction with this contract will depend on the actual scope of work and will be depicted on each work order. January 9, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. (CST) ............................................................. Receipt of Written Questions Due January 16, 2024 by 4:00 p.m. (CST) ......................................................................... Q & A Posted February 9, 2024 ...................................................................................................................... SOQs Evaluated February 2024 ............................................................................................................... Interviews, if necessary February 2024 .................................................................................................................. Contract Negotiations April 2, 2024 ......................................................................................... SAWS Board Consideration and Award April 2024 ............................................................................................................ Non-Selection Notices mailed May 1, 2024 ........................................................................................................................................ Start Work A Pre-Submittal Conference is not scheduled for this solicitation. Respondents may submit technical questions concerning the services in this RFQ in writing. Electronic inquiries by e-mail will be accepted. The contact person for this solicitation is: Janie M. Powell Contract Administration San Antonio Water System Customer Center Building 2800 U.S. Hwy 281 North San Antonio, TX 78212 Email: Janie.Powell@saws.org A brief e-mail response will be provided to acknowledge receipt of your submission. Pages requiring signatures shall be scanned or electronically signed. The submission shall be tabbed and bookmarked in PDF to match the response format indicated further in this solicitation. The entire submission shall be in searchable PDF format. Questions regarding this RFQ received after the deadline will not be answered in order to allow ample time for the distribution of answers and/or addenda to this RFQ. Answers to the questions will be posted on the SAWS For questions regarding this solicitation or if the Electronic Portal does not provide sufficient information, please call Janie M. Powell, Contract Administrator at 210-233-2443 for assistance. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, San Antonio, TX

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