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Published January 17, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Shelby, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

The City of Shelby is accepting bids on an Overhead to Underground Conversion Electric Project. There will be 6 different areas for installation. Listed below are the contractor's responsibilities for this project. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all bids. A valid contractor's license must be provided (if required based on bid amount. A Certificate of Insurance will be required from the low bidder prior to beginning construction. Overhead to Underground Project Set new transformer on contractor poured cement pad to city specifications. Dig pipe in from existing 3 phase cabinet to new transformer and pull primary to feed the new transformer. Make appropriate connections in the transformer to make ready for secondary services. Reroute service from 211 E Warren St. (Schweppe Law Firm) to the newly installed transformer. Bore from new transformer to the back of 103 S Washington St. (Church) installing two 3'' pipes to feed existing urd cabinets. Pull 350 mcm parallel to the cabinets. Install CT's and ct meter base for this application to city specifications on transformer. Approximately 70 ft bore. Bore from 111 S Washington (Cleveland County Arts Council) to newly set transformer, installing one 3' conduit. Pull 350 mcm to the building, run the service in conduit up the side of the building to a point beside the existing weather head and connect to the service. Approximately 70 ft bore. Bore or open cut from newly installed transformer to 215 E Warren St to the side of the building, run the conduit up the side of the building and connect to the existing service at the weather head. Approximately 40 ft bore/cut. Run Conduit from new transformer up the wall beside the transformer and stopping at decorative pole to feed existing streetlights. Pull 12-2 urd Romex to feed lights. Install #6 duplex from pole 2483 to pole 2482 to feed 2 streetlights. x Remove 3 spans of 3 phase overhead (#4 copper), 2 spans of #2 triplex, 1 span of #4 open wire, services that currently feed the 3 buildings, all conduit from h structure. Also remove existing overhead transformer bank including h-structure brackets and cut poles as low as possible. Remove pole in the back of the church with existing service, cut all poles at lowest point. The Contractor shall accommodate all the necessary labor, equipment and vehicles required for the project. Work shall commence within 21 calendar days of written Notice to Proceed and shall be completed within 90 calendar days thereafter. Liquidated damages in the amount of $250 per day will be enforced for work not completed by the applicable deadline. Please call Marcus Kennedy at 704-484-6840 if you have any questions during the bidding or construction process


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Shelby, NC

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