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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Chehalis, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question Submission Deadline:January 12, 2024, 2:00pm Any questions regarding this project should be directed to Joe Byers at 360-740-1169 or Lewis County is soliciting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified consulting firms with expertise in providing professional structural engineering consulting services for the year 2024 (January 1 - December 31). The consultant will provide structural services as County projects are scheduled or as circumstances emerge that require professional structural engineering services. Lewis County is interested in entering into a professional services contract with one structural engineering firm to provide consulting services, and subsequently be asked to prepare specific proposals (task orders) for more than one project. The work will be conducted on an individual task order basis, according to each project scope. Each task order shall be authorized in writing by Lewis County prior to execution of the work and be negotiated based on an Actual Costs Plus a Fixed Fee agreement. All work will support design and construction projects anticipated by Lewis County Public Works. Lewis County desires to have a consulting firm available for a variety of structural engineering tasks associated with various Lewis County projects, and the selected consultant for this contract will be expected to perform services related to structural evaluations, structural design of facilities, bridge load ratings, and bridge inspections as it relates to damage caused by natural disasters or man-made causes or NBIS requirements. Lewis County Public Works reserves the right to amend terms of this "Request for Qualifications" (RFQ) to circulate various addenda, or to withdraw the RFQ at any time, regardless of how much time and effort consultants have spent on their responses. Interested firms should submit a statement of qualifications stating your ability and availability to complete this work in accordance with this notice. Lewis County is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Disadvantaged, minority, and women-owned firms are encouraged to submit statements. General Scope of Services: Inspection: Routine bridge inspection services for various structures, including data input to the WSDOT bridge data storage location; may include inventorying of new bridges. Load Rating: Routine and damaged structure load rating services for various bridges within Lewis County. Assessments: Structural investigations, evaluation of alternatives, benefit/cost analyses, and recommendations for emergency structural repairs for various structures. Design: Structural design and plan preparation services (PS&E) for emergency repairs of various transportation structures, retaining walls, and highway bridges. Load rating of various bridges. Load rating shall comply with WSDOT Bridge Design Manual and applicable federal requirements including evaluations of all Single Haul Vehicles (SHV's) and Emergency Vehicles (EV's). Bridge identified at the time of this agreement are: Bridge Name Bridge # Structure ID # NORTH FORK MP 0.35 210000066 08246900 KIRKLAND MP 0.31 210000017 08168500 LABREE MP 1.18 210000078 08091600 HWY 603 MP 13.39 210000228 0003055A


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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January 19, 2025


Multiple Locations, Chehalis, WA

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