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Renovation of a conference / convention center in Sioux City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center.

**As of January 31, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** Convention Center Kalwall Panel Replacement Project includes the complete removal, disposal, and replacement of the Sioux City Convention Center skylight system and all associated flashings. The project is located at the Sioux City Convention Center, 801 4th Street and includes the complete removal, disposal, and replacement of the Sioux City Convention Center skylight system and all associated flashings. Each bid must be made on a form furnished by the City and must be accompanied by a bid bond, a cashier's check or certified check of an Iowa bank or a bank chartered under the laws of the United States, or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, made payable to the City Treasurer of the City of Sioux City, Iowa. The check or draft may be cashed by the City Treasurer as liquidated damages in the event the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract within the ten (10) days after notice of award and post bond satisfactory to the City ensuring the faithful fulfillment of the contract. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. However, the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, readvertise for new bids and to waive informalities that may be in the best interest of the City. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the state of Iowa and to Iowa domestic labor. 1. THE SCOPE OF WORK FOR THIS PROJECT INCLUDES BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING. 2. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF EXISTING SKYLIGHT SYSTEM, ITS RELATED FLASHINGS, AND CLOSURES. 3. REMOVE ADJACENT FLASHING AND TRIM, AS NEEDED, DURING THE SKYLIGHT REMOVAL PROCESS. TAKE CARE TO MAINTAIN THESE FLASHINGS IN GOOD SHAPE FOR REINSTALLATION, IF DAMAGED OR IN BAD CONDITION REPLACE THEM AS NEW. 4. INSTALL NEW SKYLIGHT SYSTEM, PART FOR PART, TO REPLACE THE EXISTING SKYLIGHT SYSTEM. 5. INSTALL NEW SKYLIGHT SYSTEM FLASHINGS AND CLOSURES PER THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SKYLIGHT MANUFACTURER TO ACHIEVE A WEATHERTIGHT SYSTEM. 6. INSTALL NEW ADJACENT COUNTERFLASHINGS. THIS ONLY APPLIES TO FLASHINGS THAT ARE NOT FUNCTIONING PROPERLY, MISSING, OR DAMAGED. WHEN THESE FLASHINGS ARE IN RELATION TO THE ROOF EDGE, INSTALL PER ROOFING MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS. 7. STRIP EXISTING SEALANTS FROM SKYLIGHT SYSTEM AND ADJACENT COUNTERFLASHINGS, APPLY NEW SEALANTS TO ENTIRE SKYLIGHT SYSTEM PER MANUFACTURERS STANDARDS FOR A WEATHERTIGHT SYSTEM. 8. REPAIR ALL SURFACES THAT ARE DAMAGED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO WALL, CEILING, & FLOOR FINISHES, GRASS, CONCRETE, AND ANY OTHER BUILT MATERIALS ONSITE. A public hearing will be held before the Sioux City, City Council in the Council Chambers, Room 504, City Hall, 405 Sixth Street, Sioux City, Iowa, on January 8, 2024, commencing at 4:00 P.M., Local Time, on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract, and estimate of cost in the amount of $870,000.00 (the construction documents) for the construction of the Convention Center Kalwall Panel Replacement Project in Sioux City, Iowa. At said hearing, any interested person may appear and file objections to the proposed plans, specifications, contract, or estimated cost of the public improvement. The public improvement project is located at the Sioux City Convention Center, 801 4th Street and includes the complete removal, disposal, and replacement of the Sioux City Convention Center skylight system and all associated flashings All questions about the meaning or intent of the bidding documents shall be submitted to the Engineer in writing Question Deadline 01/09/2024.


Conference / Convention Centers


Public - City






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801 4th St, Sioux City, IA

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