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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lawrence, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Lawrence invites bids from qualified vendors interested in providing the following for the City of Lawrence, in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications outlined in the Invitation for Bids (IFB). Remove & Replace Roofing at City Yard The work to be done under this contract consists of performing work associated with installing a new roof. Some of the work to be performed shall be: 1. Demolition and Disposal of existing roofing and framing down to existing steel "I" beams 2. Remove and replace wood girts as needed 3. Supply and install new LVL girts where needed with Lally columns 4. Frame roof 12"o.c. using 2x12 kd lumber 5. Install 3/4" CDXF plywood sheathing as needed. 6. Supply and install 1/2" roof insulation to entire roof area 7. Install new EDPM Membrane fully adhered 8. Install new drip edge as required to all perimeters Also, the work includes the maintenance of vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting properties. Bidders must submit a five percent 5% bid deposit with their bid. All bids submitted in response to this Invitation for Bids will be evaluated and awarded in accordance with the provisions established under Massachusetts General Law Chapter 149. Vendors will be required to abide by the guidelines established under this statute. This project is subject to Prevailing Wage Rates, OSHA & DCAMM Certifications. The City of Lawrence reserves the right to reject any or all bids or take whatever action is in the best interest of the City. The City of Lawrence Purchasing Department is soliciting bids from qualified vendors to provide labor, materials and equipment to install a new roofing over the DPW Yard Vacant Garage, located at 1 Auburn Street, during a one-year contract period. The City of Lawrence reserves the right to change, modify, increase or decrease the limits of work or types of pavement treatment on any of the listed roadways or add or delete roadways at its discretion. The City also reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities of items without renegotiation of unit prices. The Chief Procurement Officer, after a recommendation from the initiating department head shall review and award. An award of contract will be made within thirty (30) days after the bid submission date or as soon as practicable thereafter. The time for award may be extended for up to thirty (30) days by mutual agreement. If any changes are made to this IFB, an addendum will be issued. Addenda will be emailed or mailed to all bidders on record as having received the IFB package. If the City issues any addenda to this IFB, each bidder shall acknowledge on the Price Bid Form the receipt of each addendum by addendum number. Questions concerning this IFB must be submitted in writing to Jose Javier, Acting Capital Asset Projects Manager, and Glenn Gary, Building and Facilities Supervisor before 3:00 p.m. Friday, January 5, 2024. Questions may be emailed to, and to Written responses will be emailed to all bidders on record as having received the IFB package. The City of Lawrence has identified two points of contact with bidders for the purpose of this IFB. Any attempt to contact any other City of Lawrence employee or to circumvent these procedures in any manner may be grounds for disqualification of the bidder from the procurement process. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted to the Acting Capital Asset Projects Manager and the Building and Facilities Supervisor in writing. Submission of questions via email is acceptable. The City reserves the right to cancel this IFB, or reject in whole or in party any and all bids, if the City determines that cancellation or rejection serves the best interests of the City. Bidders must submit a bond in the amount of 5% of the total bid price. The bid deposit must be in the form of a bid bond issued by a surety company certified to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; a certified treasurer's or cashier's check drawn on a responsible bank or trust company payable to the City of Lawrence. Bids submitted without the required bid bond will be rejected and considered non-responsive. Prevailing Wage Requirement. The contractor is required to pay prevailing wages on all projects associated with this contract in accordance with attached Prevailing Wage Statement. Certified payroll records must be submitted to the City of Lawrence Department of Public Works, 200 Common Street, Room 201, Lawrence, MA 01840. Payment/Performance Bonds. The bidder awarded the contract is required to submit within (5) five days, a 100 % payment bond & 100% performance bond drawn on a responsible bank or trust company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and made payable to the City of Lawrence. In case to whom a contract is awarded shall fail or neglect to submit a payment bond within the five days as pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 149, the City may determine that the Contractor has abandoned the contract and may award the contract to the next lowest responsible and responsive bidder. THIS CLAUSE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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1 Auburn St, Lawrence, MA

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