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Published February 16, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Bolivia, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

COAST Window Replacement at 1109 Old Ocean Hwy., Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 General Scope of Work: 1. Remove metal wall panels and aluminum framed storefront. 2. Remove brick masonry where necessary to replace through wall flashing. 3. Provide supplemental light gauge framing where indicated. 4. Provide gypsum sheathing. 5. Provide self-adhering, water resistive, air barrier membrane along with related transition membrane and through wall flashing to provide a weathertight wall assembly. 6. Provide rigid insulation and zee furring framing. 7. Provide flush seam metal wall panels along with related trim and accessories. 8. Provide aluminum-framed storefront system. 9. Reinstall or replace brick masonry where through wall flashings were replaced. 10. Provide elastomeric joint sealants at storefront perimeters, masonry control joints, and at transitions between different materials. 11. Remove damaged/deteriorated interior gypsum board at window locations. 12. Provide interior gypsum board. 13. Provide interior paint at and around interior window locations. It is the Owner's intention to award a contract for work under this project to the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to accept any bid submitted, and to negotiate with the low Bidder or Bidders any changes considered necessary or desirable. The Owner reserves the right to reject any Bid when such rejection is in the interest of theOwner to reject the bid of the bidder who has previously failed to perform or to complete on time Contracts of a similar nature; and to reject the bid of a bidder who is not, in the opinion of the Engineer, in a position to perform the Contract. The Owner shall have the right to accept Alternates in any order or combination, unless otherwise specifically provided in the Bidding Documents, and to determine the low Bidder on the basis of the sum of the Base Bid and Alternates accepted. Alternates maybe accepted at any time during the bid holding period. The Owner reserves the right to disqualify Bids, before or after opening, upon evidence of collusion with intent to defraud or commit other illegal practices upon the part of the Bidder. Each Bidder shall file a bid bond in the amount equal to not less than 5%of the gross amount of the bid executed in accordance with and conditioned as prescribed byGS143-129, as amended by Chapter 1104 of the North Carolina Public Laws of 1951. In lieu thereof, each bid may be accompanied by a deposit of cash or a certified check drawn on a bank or trust company insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation in an amount equal to not less than five percent (5%) of the gross amount of the bid. If the successful Bidder fails to execute the contract within 10 days after award, the above deposit will be retained by the Owner on the bid bond executed on liquidated damages. A Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the amount of the contract is required. Include the cost of providing Performance Bond and Payment Bond in the Base Bid. The undersigned understands that time is of the essence and agrees to the Contract Time and liquidated damages as indicated in General Conditions of the Contract for Construction and Supplementary Conditions apply to this Work. The under signed hereby agrees to commence work on this project within thirty (30) days following receipt of an Executed Agreement between Owner and Contractor. Date of commencement will be established in a Notice to Proceed issued to Contractor. Complete work under the Base Bid and all alternates accepted within 60 calendar days from the date of commencement. Question Deadline 01/17/2024 at 5:00 PM ET. Submit questions to REI Engineers in writing to the email address pwhitley@reiengineers.com.

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1109 Old Ocean Hwy, Bolivia, NC

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