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Published February 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Punta Gorda, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

SCOPE: The City desires to contract with an experienced, competent and licensed contractor to provide all labor, materials, equipment and all appurtenances to make Interior Construction Repairs to the City Hall Annex Building located at 126 Harvey Street, Punta Gorda for Hurricane Ian damage repair. REQUIRED LICENSES/CERTIFICATION: State of Florida Certified General Contractor (CGC), or Certified Building Contractor (CBC) Question Deadline 02/14/2024 at 3:00 PM ET Submittal due date and time: January 25, 2024 at 3:00 PM ET or as may be amended by the subsequent issuance of addenda. Submittal packages will be opened in public at 126 Harvey Street, 2nd Floor, Punta Gorda, FL. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Florida Statute 286.26, the location of meetings related to this solicitation is accessible to persons with disabilities. If you are a person with disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Interpreters for the hearing impaired (TTY 941-575-5013) or non-English speaking citizens and any other special accommodations can be requested by contacting the Human Resources Manager/Non-Discrimination Coordinator whose address is 326 W. Marion Avenue, Punta Gorda, FL 33950, whose telephone number is (941) 575-3308, and whose email address is humres@pgorda.us, at least two (2) calendars days prior to the meeting. PROJECT DESCRIPTION a) LOCATIONS i) City Hall Annex, 126 Harvey Street, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. b) SCOPE The City of Punta Gorda is seeking a Contractor(s) to provide all labor, equipment and materials to make repairs to the City Hall Annex Building which sustained damage during Hurricane Ian. This is an All or None Solicitation. Bidders are required to submit pricing for all items requested on the schedule of values. Any proposal received that does not meet this requirement will be disqualified. Contractor is to verify all dimensions by field measurements. A general list of items with minimum specifications is detailed below for reference. The list does not include all items and should only be used as a guide for the anticipated work. All proposed items shall match existing items where applicable. Contractor is responsible for content manipulation throughout the project. All smaller items and files will be boxed by City staff. Contractor shall stack and cover furniture in a manner to protect it from damage throughout the project. All color selections to be approved by City Representative. Shop drawings will be required for items as stated within the scope. Contractor shall install items in accordance/compliance with all applicable Building Codes, Laws, Regulations, and Standards. Contractor will submit the applicable application(s) through the City of Punta Gorda Building Department. Application and inspection fees will be paid by the City. Failed inspection fees will be paid by the Contractor. Manufacturers included in this solicitation are not meant to describe any particular brand, but rather to establish the minimum specifications and requirements of the City for the item and/or services to be purchased. Other manufactures may be considered and reviewed by the City. However, the City at its sole discretion will determine if other manufacturers are acceptable for the project Renovations to include but not be limited to the following: City Hall Annex Building Exterior Repairs: 1. Pressure washing Interior Repairs: 1. Structural Modifications 2. Interior Painting 3. Floor Tile Replacement 4. Vinyl Trim 5. Acoustic Ceiling Tile Replacement (Provide Shop Drawing) 6. Electrical 7. Construction clean-up SUBMIT HARDCOPY DOCUMENTS TO: City of Punta Gorda Procurement Division Mailing: 326 W. Marion Avenue Physical: 126 Harvey St, 2 nd Floor Punta Gorda, FL 33950 the Bidder may be required to print the on-line BID DOCUMENT from the on-line solicitation at www.pgorda.com, sign, complete as required and submit with their Submittal Package.

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February 20, 2024

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126 Harvey St, Punta Gorda, FL

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