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Published December 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a municipal facility in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

The City of Hopkinsville is accepting quotes from licensed contractors to perform demolition services to various structures located in Hopkinsville, KY. This project involves demolition of buildings at undisclosed locations in Hopkinsville, KY. The structure is currently vacant and empty of goods. Any physical impediments to the process of demolition are the responsibility of the contractor. The cost of the removal of debris is to be borne by the contractor and the cost included in the quote. The contractor will be responsible for contacting the electrical, natural gas, and other utilities to have service disconnected before any work is done. The lot will be free of debris and restored with dirt fill to conform to the original elevations. The lot must be leveled with no hazardous protrusions (pipes, foundation fragments, rocks, etc. related to the structures), and all disturbed areas properly leveled. This structure will need to be tested for asbestos, and all asbestos will have to be removed by contractor and certified clean. Therefore, the contractor is responsible for testing and removal of asbestos. There will be two (2) items to be considered in the demolition of the structure by you as a contractor:Asbestos removal required prior to demolition, and wetting or saturation of structure will be required. 2. Due to the age of the building, there may or may not be lead paint on the building. The successful contractor will save, protect, defend, and hold harmless the City of Hopkinsville, their officers, and agents against any suit for damages or judgment that may be rendered in the execution of the scope of work associated with this request for proposals. Proper signage must be posted to warn of abatement activity at each site. The resulting lot will be properly certified to be free from hazardous materials related to the demolition of the structure and a copy provided to the procurement officer listed in this packet. The contractor will be responsible for strict compliance with EPA, ANSI, OSHA, federal, state, and local regulations applicable to handling hazardous materials and air quality standards. Proper notification of abatement must be sent to the Division for Air Quality as required. All prices must include compliance with the above regulations. The contractor will be responsible for the cost of and proper disposal of demolition debris and any hazardous or special waste material. All materials must be disposed of properly Sealed Quotes should be sent to Gary Ruebush, Budget Officer, 715 South Virginia Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240. The following pages contain the Quote Information and Requirements, Specifications, Quote Form, and Acknowledgement of Receipt Form All quotes are to be submitted on and in accordance with the attached Quote Form. The form must be signed by an authorized representative of the quote submitter and dated in the appropriate space If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the quote must be enclosed in another envelope marked SEALED QUOTE and mailed to Gary Ruebush, Budget Officer, 715 South Virginia Street, Hopkinsville, Kentucky 42240, allowing sufficient time for such mailing to reach this address prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of quotes. Additional information or clarification of any of the instructions or information contained herein may be obtained from the Budget Officer at (270) 890-0247. Specifications are based on City needs and standards to meet specific City requirements. Specifications are not established arbitrarily to limit competition. In case of disputes as to whether the service quoted or delivered meets specifications, the decision of the City Budget Officer, or other authorized City representative, shall be final and binding on all parties. The City of Hopkinsville will hold each awarded contractor responsible for compliance with all specifications and compliance with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations applicable to this quote and any subsequent contract. The contract period will be for the entirety of the project. Demolition must start within 20 (20) days of signing the contract and be completed within thirty (30) days of start date. The contract may be extended beyond that time, upon the mutual agreement of the contractor(s) and the City at the original quote price for extenuating circumstances such as inclement weather or other causes beyond the control of the contractor(s) or the City. The City will review the quotes and award contracts based on the best option for the City.




Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Hopkinsville, KY

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