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Published January 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This requirement is 100% set aside for Small Business. Any offeror that is not a Small Business in accordance with the applicable NAICS will not be considered for award. Tobyhanna Army Depot, Tobyhanna, PA 18466, has a requirement for Boiler Water and Water Treatment Services, specifically for the preventative maintance and repair of exisitng Government equipment throughout Tobyhanna Army Depot. The services necessary to complete this work and associated contract requirements includes providing all unsurance, licenses, permits, labor, materials, equipment, supervision, and management. See Attachment 1 - Performance Work Statement for a full description of the required services. 1. CONTRACT TYPE: The Government anticipates award of a single contract as a result of this request for quote (RFQ). The resultant contract will contain both firm fixed-price (FFP) and time and materials (T&M) type contract line item numbers (CLIN). While the primary contract requirement classifies as FFP, there shall be a yearly T&M CLIN for repairs. 2. BASIS OF AWARD: Award will be based on the best overall value to the Government provided all factors are determined to be acceptable. 3. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: (a) Price. Offerors price proposal shall consist of a completed SF 1449, including acknowledged amendments. Offerors must submit pricing for all CLINs as follows: FFP CLINs 0001, 1001, and 2001: Offerors must provide a single FFP for preventative maintenance in accordance with the Attachment 1 - Performance Work Statement (PWS). T&M CLINs 0002, 1002, and 2002: Offerors must provide a fixed, fully burdened hourly labor rate for the repairs in the space provided under the applicable CLINs. Offerors shall not provide any other pricing for these CLINs, as it will not be considered. A ceiling price shall be applied to T&M CLINs at the time of contract award. (b) Technical. Offerors must submit a brief technical proposal that displays, at a minimum, (1) their ability to perform all requirements identified in the PWS; (2) the experience and qualifications of personnel who will be assigned to work directly under a resultant contract; and (3) their approach in meeting the requirements of the PWS, including responding to Government calls, requests for service, on site response time, etc.. (c) Past Performance. In order to evaluate an offeror's ability/past performance, offerors are recommended to provide the Government with an example(s) (no more than 3) of past performance in which the same or similar service was performed. Information shall include: 1) contract number; 2) brief description of the requirement; 3) dollar value; 4) customer POC. The Government reserves the right to review and consider an offeror's past performance from any source, including individuals or Government systems. Note 1: Offerors are cautioned that any noncompliance with the terms and conditions of the RFQ and these proposal submission instructions may result in their proposal being determined unacceptable, and therefore ineligible for award. Note 2: Offerors attention is directed to Clause 52.212-2 Evaluation of Commercial Items for more information. Award evaluation and basis for award will be performed in accordance with FAR 52.212-2, Evaluation-Commercial Items. 4. The Government is not responsible for any costs incurred for contractor's time or materials expended in preparing a proposal for this solicitation. 5. The services to be performed fall under the authority of the service contract act. The following Wage Determination is applicable, and provided as Attachment 2 to the solicitation. Wage Determination No: 2015-5797, Revision No. 24, Revised 12/26/2023 6. SITE VISIT: Reference FAR Clause 52.237-1 - Site Visit. There will be no general site visits offered for this solicitation. If an offeror wishes to schedule a site visit, contact the Contracting Officer at mark.buonomo2.civ@army.mil to make arrangements. So as to not delay the acquisition, site visits will not be held later than 17 January 2024. 7. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Offerors are advised to submit any questions regarding this solicitation no later than 15 January 2024 to the Contracting Officer at mark.buonomo2.civ@army.mil. Answers to questions will be posted in the same manner in which the solicitation is posted on a non-attribution basis. 8. Any amendments issued to this solicitation will be synopsized in the same manner as this solicitation. Offerors are advised to acknowledge all amendments issued to the solicitation with their proposal by signing and including one copy of the amendment with their proposal. 9. DISCUSSIONS: The Government intends to award without discussions. Offerors should provide their best proposal (specifically price and past performance) upon initial submission. The Government may hold discussions with as many offerors as deemed necessary by the Contracting Officer (all, some, one, or none).



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11 Hap Arnold Blvd, Tobyhanna, PA

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