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Published December 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Phoenix, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Request for Qualifications 23rd Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant and Wastewater Remote Facilities Electrical Instrumentation and Control Inspection and Testing Engineering Services The City of Phoenix is seeking up to two qualified electrical engineering consultants to provide support services during design, construction, startup and commissioning for all projects associated with the 23rd Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and Wastewater Remote Facilities (WWRF). All work performed is expected to be done in close coordination with City of Phoenix staff. The projects are located at the 23rd Avenue WWTP and various WWRF sites located in and outside of the City. To improve the functionality, efficiency and maintenance of the electrical, instrumentation and control systems, the City utilizes Electrical, Instrumentation & Control System Inspection and Testing Services to assist the Engineer and Contractor with projects related to the wastewater facilities and their various systems. The City has developed electrical, instrumentation and control standards for the entire Water Services Department which are used to provide consistency throughout the Department. Part of the selected consultants' role will be to ensure adherence to these standards on all projects during the design, construction, calibration, testing and commissioning of the electrical, instrumentation and control systems. In addition, the selected consultants will provide operations and maintenance support when City staff are replacing existing equipment or installing new equipment. Design support services consist of providing technical support and consultations relative to installation techniques and procedures, ensuring adherence to the City standards, and ensuring adherence to applicable electrical codes. The selected firms will attend design meetings and project engineering demonstrations, support the Engineer with research of existing conditions, conduct design reviews of the project plans and specifications, and support the Engineer with understanding the Water Services Department's standards for electrical, instrumentation and controls systems. In addition, the selected firm may be required to support City staff in updating and maintaining the Water Service Department's standards, as necessary. Construction support services consist of reviewing equipment submittals, conducting reviews on the equipment installation, providing field observations reports, participating in factory testing, reviewing the completeness of required equipment testing documentation and witnessing the instrumentation calibrations and loop checks. Commissioning support services consists of providing assistance on computer control strategy checkout, tuning of control loops, performing loop tests, troubleshooting for the computer control system programmers, maintaining designated instruments through final acceptance, educating the plant staff on the systems, supporting the maintenance staff on developing maintenance procedures for designated equipment and reviewing the accuracy of the as-built documentation for electrical drawings and the process & instrumentation diagrams. The selected firms may be required to provide arc flash hazardous testing services utilizing a professional electrical engineer. The arc flash hazardous testing will include creating as-builts for existing single line diagrams, conducting load calculations for motor control centers, switchgear and power panels, and to have the knowledge to conduct a power system study. The selected firm will be required to access energized equipment and provide all arc flash safety personal protective gear that meets the requirements of NFPA. The selected firms will be required to create as-builts for existing control panels and have the ability to design control panels. The selected firms will be required to have the understanding of UL508 requirements. The selected firms will be required to participate on the Water Services Department Process Controls Standards Committee and develop standards for this committee or participate in standards development. The selected firms are expected to specialize in electrical engineering, will be required to have at least one Registered Professional Electrical Engineer, and a minimum of one Senior Instrumentation and Controls Technician on staff. Specific experience with the City of Phoenix electrical standards, 23rd Avenue WWTP, and Wastewater Remote Facilities are preferred. The firms will be required to supply all the tools and test equipment necessary to perform the plant wide evaluation of major electrical equipment and for commissioning new and/or rehabilitated equipment. As such, the following is a list of services expected to be performed by the selected consultants on an as requested basis: Review contract documents including construction plans and specifications for adherence to current City standards. Attend meetings with City staff and JOC contractor(s) to discuss and coordinate design issues and review the work progress. Review and provide comments on shop drawing submittals. Perform inspection activities, including special inspections, start-up, and O&M manual review. Represent the City's interest in construction related matters. This item includes review of Maintenance of Plant Operation Plans to coordinate plant equipment and process shutdowns with the contractor's work during construction. At any given time, the contracted firms may have any number of projects in various stages of implementation and will be required to coordinate with City staff and the City's JOC contractor(s) on the status of these projects. The duration of this consultant services contract will be for three years, with the option of a two-year extension, for a maximum contract duration of five years. Funding may be added with the extension depending on the fiscal needs for that period. Use of UNIFIER, an Application Service Provider (ASP) web-based project management database, may be required. The following information provides a guideline for utilization. Any questions related to the requirements of UNIFIER should be directed to the Project Manager. The Consultant will be required to maintain all project records in electronic format. The City provides an ASP web-based project management database which the Consultant will be required to utilize in the fulfillment of the contract requirements. The Consultant shall provide a computerized networked office platform with broadband internet connectivity. UNIFIER training will be provided through the City of Phoenix to firms under contract. Scope Meeting February 2024 Consulting and contractor services supporting the City's Capital Improvement Projects are procured under the authority of the City Engineer, currently located within the Street Transportation Department. Design and Construction Procurement coordinates the citywide consulting and construction contracting procurement processes. The City of Phoenix reserves the right to reject any or all Statements of Qualifications, to waive any informality or irregularity in any Statement of Qualifications received, and to be the sole judge of the merits of the respective Statements of Qualifications received. Questions pertaining to this selection process or contract issues should be directed to the Contracts Specialist, Liz Blakley at (602) 495-3654 or email elizabeth.blakley@phoenix.gov. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFQ - 23rd Avenue WWTP and Lift Stations EIC Inspection and Testing Services

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