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Published December 26, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in London, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this Request for Quotation (RFQ) is to obtain bid submissions (Bids) from interested, qualified, firms (Bidders) who are capable of undertaking the project for the tree and shrub removals at Reservoir Park for The Corporation of the City of London (the City) in accordance with the specifications below and Appendix A, B & C. The reservoir is planned to be reconstructed in spring of 2024. In preparation for this work the trees and shrubs in the adjacent park and small part of the abutting wooded area (0.45 ha) will be removed (Appendix A). This work must be completed on or before March 29, 2024. Once work has commenced, the work is expected to be continuous until competed. To qualify for this work, you must have an ISA certified arborist in good standing and on site at all times. There are approximately 300 trees to remove from the park as identified. All wood and debris is to be removed off site by the successful contractor and is not a separate line item. A tree removal map for the reservoir (Appendix A) should be referenced however, a site meeting will clearly delineate the required removals for accurate bidding. With the construction of the access road (Appendix B), it is the expectation the successful contractor will clear this road for snow and their use as required by their own forces (not a separate line item for pricing). The City will not clear or maintain this access. The delineation of trees to be removed and trees not to be removed, are marked with white paint. This will be shown at the site visit for clarity. Tree removal operations must not impact trees not scheduled to be removed and must be felled or removed in such a manner to not injure or damage preserved trees. Damages to trees remaining will be assessed and appraised. The contractor will be responsible for such damages in at the sole discretion of the City. As a separate line item to be quoted on, but inclusive of the lump sum, are 4 trees to be removed (numbers 8, 10, 11, and 12) and 4 trees to be pruned (numbers 4, 5, 7, and 9) for clearance from the opposite side of the existing reservoir to create room for a new communications tower. These trees will be accessible from the existing Reservoir Park Access Road. A tree removal and pruning map for the additional area referred to as the Communications Tower can be found as Appendix C. The trees here for removal will be painted with a white ring at 1.4 metres from grade, and the trees to be pruned will have a white dot on the north side of the tree at about 30 cm from grade; the paint will extend down to grade. Question Deadline 01/11/2024 at 2:00 PM ET All questions, inquiries and clarifications regarding this Bid are to be submitted using the "Submit a Question" button available on online


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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809 Commissioners Rd W, London, ON

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