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Published December 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gainesville, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Qualifications: Bidders must be in the regular business of tree cutting, trimming, topping, daylighting, and stump grinding with backfilling. Contractor agrees to provide the Demand Services to the County as described in this RFP # 44027 and the Bidder's Response. As the need arises, the County will issue Task Orders to each of the On-Call Contractors for a bid to cut and/or trim trees, remove and haul away debris, and grind stumps and backfill stump holes at various locations throughout the County. The County will issue specific instructions, the number of trees, maps, and other pertinent information for the Contractor to submit a bid for each Task Order. The County will award the Task Orders based upon the lowest cost bid and most reasonable response times. The County's expectation is that each Contractor will submit a bid in a timely manner to each Task Order. 4.1 Contractors shall provide supervision, labor, equipment, transportation, and materials necessary to perform the services of removal and disposal of standing (live, dead, or diseased), blown-over or up-rooted timber, including all limbs, debris, root balls, and stumps located on County property. 4.2 Cutting, trimming, and disposal of individual limbs shall also be included in this service. Contractor must remove all residual debris from the tree cutting away from the work site.Contractor shall clear all debris that may inadvertently fall into residential or commercial property, leaving the property clean and undamaged. 4.3 Contractor shall perform services below to trees as designated on subsequent Task Orders. The County will send each awarded contractor the same Task Orders and all companies have the opportunity to bid. 4.4 Services to be included: a. Cutting, trimming, and removing trees b. Disposing of trees, limbs, root balls, and debris c. Cutting, trimming, or pruning tree limbs d. Grinding, cutting, or otherwise removing tree stumps, including major surface roots and filling of stump cavity 4.5 Contractor shall perform services within the ANSI standards; A300 Best Management Practices and shall take all reasonable and customary safety measures to protect people, property, and the surrounding environment. 4.6 Contractor shall conduct all work in a safe manner and shall comply with all governing regulations concerning safety. Contractor shall provide and assure compliance in using protective gear such as hard hats, gloves, goggles, harnesses, and safety shoes to Contractor's workers and personnel. 4.7 Provide all equipment and tools necessary to perform the work, including but not limited to: a loader to pick up and remove tree trunks and limbs, bucket truck, chipper, chain saws, trucks large enough to haul loads created by the debris, shredders, ladders, stump grinder, tree climbing equipment, barricades, traffic cones and signage. 4.8 Traffic control must meet Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) Standards. 4.9 Erect and maintain adequate barricades, signage, and traffic cones, and safeguard work area to prevent damage to all property and for the safety of employees and other people. Contractor shall secure equipment and materials that are stored temporarily in or around a project site. 4.10 Advise County representative of any unusual hazardous conditions and other pertinent information including, but not limited to, unsuitable weather that may affect the safety of workers, other people, and property. 4.11 Clean the area of all debris and trash remaining at the completion of a project; and dispose of such either off-site or as directed by County Project Manager. Contractors may NOT dispose of lumber and debris in the County Landfill. 4.12 Be responsible for the repair of any damage caused by the Contractor and must, at no cost and to the satisfaction of County, restore all areas to their original condition including, but not limited to, structures, sod, plant materials and ground areas. Bidders Questions Due Date: Friday, January 5, 2024 Answers to Questions Due Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2024 Questions: Bidders must present all questions in writing and directed solely to the issuing officer at andrew.youngblood@hallcounty.org.



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