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Published January 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Tacoma, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 3,128-square-foot residential development.

The Pierce County Human Services Home Repair Program is funded through a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides home repairs to income eligible populations in the form of a grant. The spending limit for each residence is set at $15,000. This procurement may include work on multiple residences. Repair residential bathroom floors. DESCRIPTION OF HOME INTENT OF REPAIR: Repair estimated 4X8 bathroom floor. RESIDENCE TYPE: Stick-built home YEAR BUILT: 1994 HOME SQ FT: 1,204 LOCATION: Spanaway Contractor to remove all fixtures and appliances from the affected area. Remove finished surface and cut away compromised or damaged underlayment as needed. Restore all framing, subfloor, and underlayment to original condition and current code and prep underlayment for finished surface treatment and resetting of fixtures or appliances. Surface should be flat with a maximum difference between adjacent high and low points of 3/16 of an inch in a 10-foot radius and must be clean. Fill excessive voids or low points with a Portland cement based leveling compound (e.g. Ardex) and let dry. If laying over concrete, use 6-mil polyethylene with a minimum 8" lap as a moisture barrier. Figure square footage and add 10%. Acclimate material in the room to be installed a minimum of 48 hours. Provide and install 1/8" sound foam under application. A 1/4" expansion space must be provided around the perimeter of the room. Fixed objects such as door jambs and casings must be undercut. The expansion space in wet rooms needs to be completely filled with a 100% mildew resistant silicone to prevent water getting underneath the floor in the following areas. Bathroom perimeter, in front of kitchen appliances, sink, utility appliances, and all exterior doors. Apply 1/4 round, base, stair nose, carpet transitions, and hard surface reducers per manufacturer's specifications. DESCRIPTION OF HOME INTENT OF REPAIR: Remove and replace existing water heater and repair estimated 3'X3' damaged subfloor. RESIDENCE TYPE: Double-wide mobile home YEAR BUILT: 1985 HOME SQ FT: 924 LOCATION: Roy Remove and replace existing water heater to repair subfloor. Contractor to remove all fixtures and appliances from the affected area. Remove finished surface and cut away compromised or damaged underlayment as needed. Restore all framing, subfloor, and underlayment to original condition and current code Prep underlayment Install finished surface treatment and reset fixtures or appliances. DESCRIPTION OF HOME INTENT OF REPAIR: Repair both 6X10 master bath and 5X8 main bath Floors RESIDENCE TYPE: Double-wide mobile home YEAR BUILT: 2000 HOME SQ FT: 1,000 LOCATION: Bonney Lake Contractor to remove all fixtures and appliances from the affected area. Remove finished surface and cut away compromised or damaged underlayment as needed. Restore all framing, subfloor, and underlayment to original condition and current code and prep underlayment for finished surface treatment and resetting of fixtures or appliances. Surface should be flat with a maximum difference between adjacent high and low points of 3/16 of an inch in a 10-foot radius and must be clean. Fill excessive voids or low points with a Portland cement based leveling compound (e.g. Ardex) and let dry. If laying over concrete, use 6-mil polyethylene with a minimum 8" lap as a moisture barrier. Figure square footage and add 10%. Acclimate material in the room to be installed a minimum of 48 hours. Provide and install 1/8" sound foam under application. A 1/4" expansion space must be provided around the perimeter of the room. Fixed objects such as door jambs and casings must be undercut. The expansion space in wet rooms needs to be completely filled with a 100% mildew resistant silicone to prevent water getting underneath the floor in the following areas. Bathroom perimeter, in front of kitchen appliances, sink, utility appliances, and all exterior doors. Apply 1/4 round, base, stair nose, carpet transitions. Individual projects (each identified by CDM#) within this procurement may not exceed $15,000 each, including all fees and taxes. This contract may not exceed $50,000 in total, including all fees and taxes. We require that the prime contractor perform at least 75% of the work in this project. We will not be hosting a pre-bid walk-through for this procurement. Please bid based on information provided. The start date of this procurement will be determined by program staff and the winning bidder. Projects are to be completed within 60 days from the issuance of the Notice to Proceed by program staff. For a quote to be valid, a completed Pierce County Quotation and Contract Form and Certification of Compliance with Wage Payment Statutes Form (included in this package) must be received by the County no later than the time and date specified herein or as amended through addendum. Vendor must use the Pierce County Quotation and Contract Form; vendors forms are not acceptable. Additionally, for a quote to be valid, there can be no bidder submitted variations to the Statement of Work or other terms presented in the Request for Quotation package. A bid bond will not be required for this work. For Public Works contracts less than or equal to $50,000 including tax and purchase services contracts which include services requiring the payment of prevailing wages less than or equal to $50,000 including tax, the County shall waive retainage and bonding but will retain the right of recovery against the Contract for any payments made on the Contractor's behalf. The notice to proceed will be issued within five (5) to ten (10) calendar days of the execution of the Contract by the County. Should there be reasons why the notice to proceed cannot be issued within such period, the time may be extended by mutual agreement between the County and Contractor. All project work shall be completed within 60 calendar days of issuance of the Notice to Proceed by the County. Question Deadline 01/09/2024 at 2:00 PM PT Any questions bidders have with regard to the Statement of Work must be submitted to the County Point of Contact in writing 48 hours prior to the quotation submission cut-off date and time.


Residential Subdivision


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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