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Published March 1, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Bloomington, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the construction of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

Independent School District #271 reserves the right to reject any or all bids, including without limitation the right to reject any or all nonconforming, non-responsive, unbalanced, or conditional bids. The District also reserves the right to waive any informalities, to award the contract in whole or in part, and to award it to the bidder the District determines is in the District's best interest. Independent School District #271 hereby notifies all bidders that businesses owned and controlled by minorities or women will be afforded maximum feasible opportunity to submit bids and/or proposals and will not be subjected to discrimination based race, color, national origin, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), age, disability, and reprisal or retaliation for civil rights activity. Required Qualifications: By submitting the Bid, the Bidder certifies as to meeting the following requirements: 1. Has completed three (3) or more projects of at least 80% of the size or value of the work being proposed where the type of work is like that being proposed. 2. Can provide a minimum of three (3) similar expansion project references from within the last two (2) years. These references must accompany the Bid response and must include a project description, point of contact, mailing address, and telephone number. 3. Maintains a minimum of twelve (12) full-time fiber installers. 4. Has access to all necessary equipment, organizational capacity, and technical competence necessary to do the work properly and expeditiously. 5. Maintains a permanent place of business in the State of Minnesota. 6. Provides sworn financial statement upon request, which evidences the Bidder has adequate financial resources to complete the work being proposed, as well as all other work the Bidder is presently under contract to complete. 7. Is bondable for the terms of the proposed contract. 8. Has a record of satisfactorily completing past projects. Criteria that will be considered in determining satisfactory completion of projects by the Contractor will include the following: a. Completed contracts in accordance with Contract Documents. b. Diligently pursued execution of the work and completed contracts according to the established time schedule. c. Fulfilled guarantee requirements of the Contract Documents. 9. Has a valid Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN) and maintains good standing with the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). purpose of securing a contract to furnish all labor and materials to construct a new private fiber optic WAN infrastructure. Requests for clarifications and substitutions should be sent to: Shane Leverenz True North Consulting Group 140 Third Street South Stillwater, MN 55082 shane.leverenz@tncg.com A copy of the request should also be forwarded to the Owner: John Weisser jweisser@isd271.org Deadline for Question Submission ........................January 22, 2024




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New Construction, Site Work




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To Be Determined, Bloomington, MN

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