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Published February 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a medical facility in Nampa, Idaho. Completed plans call for the construction of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

All questions must be sent to the DPW Project Manager: Nicole Cecil, Project Manager Division of Public Works 502 N. 4th St. PO Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0072 (208) 332-1905 nicolexecil@adm.idaho.gov Axiom Project Number: A21-017 Entry into the facility is documented and it will take a few minutes to sign in. Please arrive early. Following the presentation, an optional site tour will be provided. Attending the informational meeting is optional and will be at no cost to the Owner. A courtesy RSVP is requested by noon January 18th to nicole.cecil@adm.idaho.gov. Modifications (addenda) to this RFQ, if any, will be posted on the Division of Public Works Funding for the project is from the State. The Division of Public Works (DPW) will administer the project according to the terms and conditions of the award, State laws and guidelines. The CM/GC will receive general instructions through the State. A Project Manager from DPW has been assigned to serve as project manager and liaison between the Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) and the CM/GC team. The CM/GC shall warrant the following: not knowingly hire or engage any illegal aliens or persons not authorized to work in the United States as required by Title 67, Chapter 79,Idaho Code. The CM/GC shall take steps to verify that it does not hire or engage any illegal aliens or persons not authorized to work in the United States; and that misrepresentation in this regard or any employment of persons not authorized to work in the United States constitutes a material breach and shall be cause for the imposition of monetary penalties and/or termination of any Contract resulting from this RFQ. The scope of work includes the construction of an Assessment, Observation, and Stabilization Unit and Step-Down Housing (AOS/Step-Down Housing) at the SWITC Campus in Nampa, ID. Both buildings are identified as being independent of other structures on campus. The care settings will be seeking CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accreditation. These facilities are not "hospitals", but will include elements such as nurse station, roll-in shower, and non-slip flooring. The Assessment, Observation, and Stabilization Unit (AOS) will be designed for individuals who are in an acute behavioral/psychiatric crisis or for those individuals whose clinical team has determined that this environment is most therapeutically appropriate. Initial treatment in this care setting will focus on the assessment, observation, and stabilization of the resident so that they may benefit from, and transition to, a less restrictive setting. The primary population will be individuals with intellectual disabilities who also experience a severe mental illness or complex medical needs. The building program is a single story secured residence building, exterior resident yard and associated site work. It will be approximately 8,500 square feet. Step Down housing will be one/two-bedroom settings designed for individuals who have stabilized from an acute behavioral/psychiatric crisis or for those who congregate care is not an option. Treatment in this setting will focus on "stepping" an individual down from congregate care and allowing the individual the ability to gain the skills necessary to transition successfully into the community. The primary population will be individuals with intellectual disabilities who often experience a severe mental illness or complex medical needs. The building program is a village concept with individual units organized in groups of two that resemble duplex or townhome living units. The building program is a new clubhouse and four independent duplex buildings housing 2-two-bedroom units per duplex. Buildings are to be arranged around a central courtyard with a walking path, picnic tables, benches, sports court, and upgraded landscape. Construction start date is dependent on completion of design documents. It is anticipated that this project may be completed in phases with the Step-Down Housing breaking ground in Fall 2024 and the AOS facility breaking ground in Spring 2025. REQUIRED SERVICES The State of Idaho, through the Division of Public Works is requesting proposals for Construction Manager/General Contractor Services beginning with construction document phase / pre-construction services through project construction, including the one-year period of correction following project completion. The Division of Public Works and Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) are looking for a Construction Manager who will be a team player eager to work closely and in harmony with the DPW, DHW and the Design Team. A total project budget has been established at $13,425,000 and includes fees (A/E and CM/GC), commissioning services, contingencies, tests, and other project related expenses. The construction budget has been set at $11,000,000. A complete construction cost estimate and construction schedule will be required following CM/GC' s review of the Schematic Design set of drawings and must be updated throughout the construction documents process. The CM/GC will be required to meet as needed, but not less than twice a month, with the Owner and DPW for the purpose of providing a report regarding the previous month's progress. Such meetings will: advise the team of projected project cost and related value engineering if needed; include critical path schedules, show funds expended in the completion of the project and specific accomplishments related to the completion of the project. The CM/GC shall have an individual license as a Construction Manager. Firms proposing for these services shall hold and maintain a certificate of authority for providing construction management services. Proof of these is required at the time of submission. The CM/GC shall be licensed as a Public Works Licensed General Contractor with license class "Unlimited" by the State of Idaho. Proof of a Public Works license is required prior to bidding. The CM/GC will be required to upload all documents to DPW's Owner's web-based project management system, Project mates. Documents may include, but are not limited to meeting minutes, sketches, diagrams, programming analysis, photographs relevant to the project, submittals, field reports, schedules, cost estimates, RFI's, close out documents, warranties, etc. The CM/GC in conjunction with the design team shall keep in mind that during all phases, code compliance, energy efficiency, and building maintenance concerns should be incorporated into the design. The CM/GC will be required to provide payment and performance bond or bonds in the amount of the total construction management contract. Cover Letter (No point value but is a required element). Include the email address and phone number of the primary contact person. Include acknowledgement of any Addenda issued related to the RFQ. Last day to submit RFQ Questions : February 6, 2024 Oral Interviews (location TBD): March 12, 2024 (afternoon) PBFAC Selection Approval : April 2, 2024 Negotiate and Execute Contract : April 2024




Public - State/Provincial

New Construction, Site Work

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1660 11th Ave N, Nampa, ID

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