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Published February 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Baltimore, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

This Contract is for the construction of electrical and mechanical improvements for the Riverside Rail Yard located at 1600 Ludlow St., Baltimore City, Maryland 21230. The Riverside Rail Yard is located in a portion of Ward 24 Section 06, Block 2059 Lot 001 and Block 1947 Lot 001 and all of Ward 24 Section 08, Block 1946 Lot 019 and Block 1945 Lot 071B. F - $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. MBE Participation (%) 24.60 Questions regarding the work should be directed in writing to Ebony Reddick at Ereddick@mdot.maryland.gov. Questions concerning this solicitation must be received no later than 01/24/2024 at the close of the business day. No interpretations other than written shall be binding on the Administration. Notice to Contractors may be canceled in accordance with State Procurement Regulations. The Administration reserves the right to reject any and all bids and/or waive technical defects if, in its judgment, the interests of the Administration so require. The work involves the following: 1. Furnish and install wayside power stations near Buildings 2 and 12 2. Furnish medium voltage feeder from existing switchboard to new transformer at Building 2 and new transformer at Building 12. Route new medium voltage feeder through Buildings 3 and 2. Route new medium voltage feeder from Building 2 to Building 12 by cut and cover trench through existing access road. Provide required hand holes, manholes, etc. 3. Provide new transformer and switchboard at Buildings 2 and 12. 4. Provide new compressed air piping from general location of the sanding equipment and extend to new compressed air receiver at Building 12 and extend to new compressed air outlets next to tracks. 5. Provide new compressed air piping from overhead compressed air line next to Building 2 and extend to compressed air outlets next to tracks 6. Provide new compressed air receiver next to Building 3. 7. Provide structural platform at Building 12 to set new transformer and switchboard on. Provide concrete pads for transformer and switchboard at Building 2 and concrete pads for two new compressed air receivers. 8. Furnish and install a wayside power monitoring system. 9. Furnish and install conduit and OM3, single-mode fiber optic cable from power monitoring gateways to existing network cabinets in Bld-1 and Bld-12. 10. Furnish new controllers on two existing 75 HP Kaiser air compressors.




Public - State/Provincial


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1600 Ludlow St, Baltimore, MD

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