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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Conne River, Newfoundland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000261856 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/02/02 04:00:00 PM NST This section summarizes the Scope of Work to be considered by the Proponent to prepare their Proposal. The Work shall include but not be limited to the topics described below. The Proponents will demonstrate their experience and capacity to effectively complete the necessary work to successfully provide MFN with a population projection and subdivision feasibility study that will assist MFN in making informed decisions about the future development of the community. The scope of work includes: preparation of population and housing needs projection for a 25-year horizon development of a land use plan development of a screening assessment report presentation of the reports to Miawpukek Community Leadership presentation to the community under direction from Community Leadership completion of geotechnical assessment on identified sites completion of hydrogeological assessment on identified sites completion of environmental assessment (provisional) completion of archeological assessment (provisional) development of subdivision feasibility report (provisional) Proponents are expected to develop their methodology such that the tasks are undertaken in a logical process that proceeds based on the necessary precursors being addressed from the individual tasks. Undertaking all tasks in parallel may not be effective and risks undertaking activities that offer little to no value to the work. For example, completing an archeological assessment of a specific area before wetland assessment is completed would be ineffective. The Project Team will review the Draft Subdivision Feasibility Report. The feasibility study must comply with the most stringent of all applicable ISC Design Guidelines, and Federal and Provincial Regulations. Failure to meet all applicable ISC Design Guidelines will require the Proponent to revise all deficient work to the satisfaction of ISC, at no additional cost to Miawpukek First Nation. The following subsections outline the full scope of services requested. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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August 12, 2024


To Be Determined, Conne River, NL

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