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Published January 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Kingsland, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 73,874-square-foot educational facility.

Renovation to Existing Kingsland Elementary School 1. Provide all labor, materials, scaffolding, equipment, systems, machinery, tools, apparatus, transportation, shop drawings, samples and submittals necessary to provide, furnish and complete the Work described in each Work Category. 2. All roadways shall be kept clean as per local authorities. Subcontractor shall clean up any debris that is in the roadway and/or clean all trucks leaving the site. 3. All insurance as required by the subcontract agreement will be required prior to award of the subcontract. No exceptions will be made. 4. All sheets of drawings associated with the project are considered to be included in each bidder's proposal as well as all sections of the specifications. No considerations will be given to a subcontractor's claim that the subcontractor's work was not included on specific sheets of drawings or in specific sections of the specifications. 5. All cutting and patching associated with subcontractor's work is required to be included in subcontractor's scope of work. 6. Any field engineering and layout required by a subcontractor to perform his work is required to be included in subcontractor's scope of work. 7. Temporary water, electricity, heat and sanitary facilities will be provided at no expense to the subcontractor. Excessive use will not be allowed. See Items 28 & 29 8. Subcontractors shall carry their own Builders Risk Insurance for the duration of the project. 9. Subcontractors are to include materials and equipment furnished for installation under other Work Categories with proper identification and shall be packaged to facilitate handling and storage. 10. Subcontractors are to include bad weather protection as defined by the specifications and as required to perform the work of a particular Work Category. 11. Subcontractors are to include hoisting of all materials and equipment required for a particular Work Category. 12. Subcontractors are to include any temporary bracing, shoring, underpinning or protection reasonably required for installation of the work of a particular Work Category. 13. Subcontractors are to include re-handling of on-site materials that interfere with the work of other subcontractors. 14. Subcontractors are to include protecting all openings required of a particular Work Category, as required by all safety agency standards. 15. Subcontractors shall be familiar with the scope of work in other Work Categories for proper coordination and interface. 16. All subcontractors are hereby advised that Pope Construction Company's subcontractors are to read, understand, and sign the Subcontractor Safety Program Acknowledgement Form. All Subcontractors performing work on projects will be required to meet the new standard without exception. Please understand this requirement is mandatory and applies to all trades. Bidders should secure a copy of the regulations and become familiar with them. Please contact the Project Managers if you require a copy. 17. Subcontractors are required to attend weekly safety meetings as coordinated by the Construction Manager. 18. Bi-Weekly Coordination Meetings: Subcontractors are required to attend Bi-Weekly Coordination Meetings. Each subcontractor field superintendent will be required to attend each meeting. Project managers for each subcontractor will be required to attend one (1) meeting a month, exact time will be determined by Pope Construction project manager. There will be a $250.00 penalty for non-attendance to be donated to a local charity of the contractor's choosing. 19. Notification of Deliveries: The Construction Manager, to be notified no less than 24 hours in advance of any deliveries to the site. Failure to notify jobsite superintendent will result in refusal of delivery. a. Acceptance, unloading, storing, and protecting the material is the responsibility of each work package. 20. Inspect substrates and elevations to confirm that they are acceptable prior to beginning your work. 21. Check in material supplied by others for your work. Inform in writing any discrepancies along with copies of delivery tickets to the construction manager. Failure to notify the construction manager of any shortages will result in the subcontractor's responsibility to supply shortages. 22. Videotape any required demonstrations for Owner. Provide six (6) copies to Owner. 23. Pay for any and all governmental fees relating to your work.




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900 W King Ave, Kingsland, GA

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