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Site work for a water / sewer project in Twisp, Washington. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Work is divided between two (2) bid schedules under one (1) contract. Schedule A: Pipeline Relocation on SR-20 at Olson Creek Project Installation of approximately 610 linear feet of16-inch HDPE casing byhorizontal direction drill,installation of approximately 610 linear feet of8-inch fused PVC C900carrier water pipeline under Olson Creek, as wellas installation of approximately 290 linear feet of8-inch PVC water pipeline by traditional trenching methods along StateRoute 20, east of RangerStation Road, Marblemount, State of Washington. Work includes valves,fittings, traffic control, andpressure and purity testingof the pipe, along with incidentals and appurtenances, such as casing spacers, end seals, grouting,dewatering, in estimatedquantities identified in theBid Proposal. Schedule B: Pipeline Relocation at SR-9 North ofKalloch Road Project Installation of approximately 500 linear feet of16-inch HDPE casing byhorizontal direction drill,installation of approximately 500 linear feet of8-inch fused PVC C900carrier water pipeline under a tributary of HansenCreek along State Route9, north of Kalloch Road,Sedro-Woolley, Stateof Washington, including valves, fittings, trafficcontrol, and pressure andpurity testing of the pipe,along with incidentals andappurtenances such ascasing spacers, end seals,grouting, dewatering, inestimated quantities identified in the Bid Proposal. This project is partiallyfunded by a Local andCommunity Projects Grantthrough the Washington State Department ofCommerce. Skagit PUDis an equal opportunityemployer. Procurementand contracts are administered without discrimination based on race, col- or, sex, or national origin.Disadvantaged BusinessEnterprises have an equalopportunity to competefor and participate in theperformance of all agree- ments, contracts, andsubcontracts awarded bySkagit PUD or its contractors, and are encouragedto submit. Any requests for information or interpretation of the Bid Documents shall be made by phone or email to Catherine Price, Contract Coordinator (360) 848-4472 or All such requests shall be received no later than three (3) days prior to bid opening.

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Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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State Rte 20, Twisp, WA

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