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Renovation of an educational facility in Bellaire, Michigan. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

**As of March 07,2024 bids received were rejected. Project will be rebid but no definite date yet.** Each Bidder who intends to submit a Bid in response to this RFP may (but shall not be obligated to) submit, via email, an "Intent to Respond" to Bryan Davies at An Intent to Respond shall include the name of the Bidder, the name of the contact person, and that person's email address. The School District intends to communicate with Bidders via email, including with respect to Bid clarifications and addenda. Those Bidders who fail to properly provide an Intent to Respond are not precluded from bidding, however, they will not receive responses to requests for clarification, addenda, or other relevant information, and they shall be solely responsible for obtaining any such information from the School District in an alternative manner Each Proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, or irrevocable letter of credit in an amount of five percent (5%) of the proposed contract sum as a guarantee of the Proposer's good faith. If a bid bondis posted by a Proposer, it shall be from a surety licensed to do business in the State of Michigan and the attorney-in-fact who executes the bid bond on behalf of the Proposer shall attach a certified, current copy of its power of attorney. In the event a certified check is submitted, it shall be made payable to "Bellaire Public Schools," and the School District shall not be liable for any interest earned thereon. The security, in whatever form, shall be forfeited in its entirety as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, if the Proposer withdraws its Proposal after the due date for submission of Proposals or, upon acceptance of its Proposal by the School District, Proposer fails to execute the form of Contract, including the provision of insurance and bonds acceptable to the School District, within fifteen (15) days of an award of the Contract to Proposer. Good faith deposits shall be returned to all Proposers within a reasonable time after the award and execution of a Contract by the successful Proposer Deadline for Requests for Clarification and Addenda January 11, 202 Post-Bid Interviews (if conducted) February 21, 2024 Each Bidder who intends to submit a Bid in response to this RFP may (but shall not be obligated to) submit, via email, an "Intent to Respond" to Bryan Davies at Bid gym ceiling light replacement separately. Reference Drawing E1 - Some fixtures can be retrofitted as designated in the Electrical Construction Notes with equivalent LED lights if possible - Bid wireless dimmer controls separately as an alternate to hard wired dimmer controls. - Include lighting programming and verification - Include owner training for dimming, programming, and maintenance requirements

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6535 John R Rodger Rd, Bellaire, MI

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