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Published February 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in Ashland, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The City of Ashland through its City Manager reserves the right to accept all or to reject all or any part of the bid should it be deemed to be in the best interest of the City of Ashland. The purchase of these materials/equipment for this bid packet will be paid with ARPA Funds and the City and Counterparty will comply with all requirements of federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders. Bid Bond or Certified Check (10% of the total bid) Any questions as to these specifications shall be addressed to Mark Hall, Director of Utility Operations (606) 385-3332. Specifications and full information for bidders may be seen and obtained at the Office of Public Services and Utilities, 1700 Greenup Avenue, Room 408, Ashland, KY. Questions concerning all, or any part of the Bid Package shall be addressed to Mark Hall, Director of Utilities. P. O. Box 1839, 1700 Greenup Avenue, Ashland, Kentucky 41105-1839, or phone (606) 385-3332 City of Ashland is requesting bids to remove one (1) existing or equivalent to Model 23EPM raw water intake pump and shaft and install an existing replacement pump and previously removed shaft. The bidder shall be capable of satisfying the following requirements: Bidders must hold an existing City of Ashland, KY business license, Kentucky electrical license, and Liability Insurance. Bidder must employ field service technicians experienced in the general operating knowledge and servicing this type of equipment. Bidder must maintain a shop within a 200-mile radius of the site and have an onsite (Repair Shop) with repair technicians available to provide 24 hrs. Emergency service. Bidder will provide a representative to perform onsite initial commissioning of the equipment and provide a detailed written and electronic start up report to include all information required under initial startup. All expenses incurred for the removal and installation shall be covered under a warranty period of 30 days after startup. Exceptions will be normal wear and tear or failure due to source not directly related to the repair. Vendor will be responsible for providing all necessary tools and equipment for the removal and transportation to vendor's facility. The price shall also include a service technician for startup and pump adjustment. The price shall include all expenses incurred, such as crane rental, transportation, meals, column modifications, and lodging etc Removal of failed River Intake Pump and shaft #1 Install spare equivalent to Model 23 EPM pump The replacement pump is stored at the Ashland Water Plant. Accommodations to transport spare pump to and from the job site shall be included All column pipe and the discharge head are to be reused Reinstallation shall be included in overall bid pricing and performed by qualified personnel and shall include all crane rental, rigging, reinstalling the motor, electrical hook ups, making final adjustments and start up. City of Ashland reserves the right to reject any bid from any contractor they deem as lacking the qualification and experience for this type of work Failed river intake pump shall be transported to the Ashland Water Treatment plant for storage or transported to bidder's shop for inspection. Bidder will be notified by City of Ashland for final destination of failed pump upon removal. Any questions as to these specifications shall be addressed to Mark Hall, Director of Utility Operations (606) 385-3332 Yes, Bid Bond required. Successful bidders will be required to furnish contract surety in the form of a PERFORMANCE BOND and PAYMENT BOND in an amount equal to one hundred (100%) percent of the total amount of the contract. If the bid is accepted, a contract shall be entered into, and the performance bond and payment bond secured within ten (10) days after written notice of acceptance is sent Doc notes: Specifications and full information for bidders may be seen and obtained at the Office of Public Services and Utilities, 1700 Greenup Avenue, Room 408, Ashland, KY. Questions concerning all, or any part of the Bid Package shall be addressed to Mark Hall, Director of Utilities. P. O. Box 1839, 1700 Greenup Avenue, Ashland, Kentucky 41105-1839, or phone (606) 385-3332


Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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January 18, 2024

February 19, 2024


4040 Winchester Ave, Ashland, KY

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