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Published May 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Work to be done under the Contract shall consist of field services for the DCS Migration. Install PLC and RIO panels, assist the Integrator in commissioning and testing, and decommission the existing DCS Control System cabinets. The major components of the Work are as follows: (a) Be responsible as Prime Safety Contractor for the NEWPCC DCS Migration. This includes but is not limited to the Work defined in this contract and the Work defined in 76-2023 for the Integrator. 76-2023 was awarded to Schneider Electric Canada, hereby referred to as the Integrator. (b) Install PLC and RIO panels in locations shown in drawings. PLC and RIO panels built by others and delivered and stored onsite by Integrator. Provide breakers, cabling, and terminations from local panelboards to the PLC and RIO panels as required to power the PLC and RIO panel boards. Due to space limitations, the panels will not fit in the area control rooms until the existing controller cabinets are removed. In the interim, install the PLC panel backboards on temporary stands. Install panel enclosures and panel backboards separately as required. Allow for enough cabling to reach the temporary panel locations as shown on the drawings, routing through enclosure final location. Panel backboards to be installed in enclosure from temporary stand outside of enclosure with field wiring connections already terminated. (c) Install cables between PLC and RIO panels and Field Device Panels, Termination Panels, Marshalling Panels, and HVAC Panels. Allow for enough cable to reach the temporary panel locations and permanent panel locations, as shown on the drawings. Terminate cables at the PLC and RIO panel prior to the migration switchovers, as scheduled by the Integrator. Provide loop checks and checklists for all installed circuits. Attend and provide field services for the DCS Migration switchovers as scheduled by the integrator (d) Modify Termination Panels, Marshalling Panels, and HVAC Panels to provide signals interface with new PLC and RIO panels. Modification might include additional terminal blocks, din rails, fuses, relays, circuit breakers and wireways. (e) Supply and install firestopping where penetrations are made in fire-rated walls and floors as a result of the NEWPCC DCS Migration and in compliance Contract Documents. (f) De-energize and remove existing terminations to DCS Control System at Field Device Panels, Termination Panels, Marshalling Panels, and HVAC Panels. Terminate preinstalled conductors to PLC. (g) Provide salvaging and demolition services for the NEWPCC DCS Migration. Provide temporary circuits, overcurrent devices, conduit and wiring, and other equipment required during construction and as part of the modification of the existing electric system and existing control cabinets. Perform work at the convenience of the City. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform. GC Bidder: ServcoCanada Inc., MB $3,448,742.




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2230 Main St, Winnipeg, MB

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