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Site work and outdoor lighting for a transportation facility in Nashville, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for outdoor lighting for a transportation facility.

**As of March 29, 2024, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on Tuesday, April 9th.** The base bid schedule of work includes the removal of existing Runway 10/28 electrical system and replacement with new lights, signs, runway end identifier lights (REILs), precision approach path indicators (PAPIs), wind cone, regulators, and associated cabling. A new airfield electrical vault is proposed Project no.23031, T007972, 20213163.0004 Question Deadline 01/24/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Technical questions shall be directed to Tiffany King (; An addendum responding to questions received will be issued by the close of the business day on January 30, 2024, and posted via online. Roof: Roofpanel shall be either peaked or sloped. 1. Peaked: Roofpanel shall have a peak in the center, parallel to the long dimension, and shall slope 16" to each side. The roofshall extend a minimum of2 'A" beyond the wall panel on each side and have a turndown design which extends 16" below the top edge ofthe wall panels to prevent water migration into the building along top ofwall panels. Roofshall have an integral architectural ribbed edge. 2. Sloped: Roofshall slope 16" from front to back in 10' direction. The roofshall extend a minimum of2 16" beyond wall panels on all sides and include a 16" turn down edge with built in drip feature that caps all four walls to prevent migration of water into the building along top ofwall panels. Roofshall have an integral architectural ribbed edge Building Dimensions: 1. Exterior: 10' x 12' x 8'-8". 2. Interior: 11 '-6" x 19'-6" x 8'-0". Design Loads: 1. Seismic Design Category 'C', Risk Design Category II. 2. RoofLive Load (Snow) - 30 PSF. 3. Floor Live Load - 150 PSF. 4. Wind Loading*-! 15 MPH. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Building Dimensions: 1. Exterior: 10' x 12' x 8'-8". 2. Interior: 11 '-6" x 19'-6" x 8'-0". C. Roof: Roofpanel shall be either peaked

Bid Results

Transportation Terminals


Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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February 7, 2024

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1721 Langdale Dr, Nashville, GA

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