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Published March 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a conference / convention center in Atlanta, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a conference / convention center; and for site work for a conference / convention center.

**As of February 22, 2024 this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** The Georgia World Congress Center Authority ("GWCCA" or the "Authority") is interested in receiving responses from experienced and qualified general contractors to upgrade and refurbish the existing Centennial Olympic Park Ring Fountain System and adjacent areas that serve the Ring Fountain. This Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") seeks to identify potential providers of the above-mentioned services and is not lowest-responsive bid procurement. One or more firms that respond to this RFQ by submitting statements of qualifications may be determined to be especially qualified and capable of delivering services and may be deemed eligible for further consideration by the Authority to provide these services as the general contractor. All respondents to this RFQ are subject to instructions communicated in this document and are cautioned to completely review the entire RFQ and follow instructions carefully. The Authority retains the right to reject any or all statements of qualifications or subsequent submittals and/or proposals, and to waive technicalities, irregularities, and informalities, and retains the right to cancel or conclude this procurement at any time without selecting a firm to provide the described services, without any liability to any respondents, or any other person or entity, and is under no obligation to make an award relating to this RFQ to any person or entity. The final terms of any Consulting Agreement contemplated by this procurement may require compliance with the final terms and conditions of any project-related Agreements of the Authority, subject, in all cases, to strict compliance with the applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Georgia. Below is a summary of the current known additional work for the adjacent areas that serve the Ring Fountain: • Ensure Life Safety Systems comply with current applicable codes and regulations. • Ensure accessibility features comply with current applicable codes and regulations. • Updates to the IT and Security Camera System • Updates to the Mechanical System in the Ring Fountain Vault. o This may include the addition of digital pressure sensors for the (5) display pumps to notify and/or turn off pumps if clogged/starved of water. • Improvements to the Sump Pump System and Leak Notification System in the Ring Fountain Vault. • Addition of an air monitor near the chemical tanks in the vault to notify maintenance of dangerous fumes. • Addition of a new trench train on the deck of the Ring Fountain. • Caulking throughout. The Authority retains the right to reject any or all submittals, and to waive technicalities, irregularities, and informalities, or cancel this procurement at any time. IMPORTANT- A RESTRICTION OF COMMUNICATION IS IN EFFECT FOR THIS PROJECT. Question Deadline 01/19/2024 at 2:00 PM ET Questions about any aspect of the RFQ, or the project, shall be submitted prior to the appropriate deadlines indicated in the Schedule of Events, and shall be submitted in writing to: Erle Coleman Selection Manager Georgia World Congress Center Authority E-mail: ecoleman@gwcc.com Answers to questions posted 1/23/24 From the time of advertisement of this solicitation until final award is made, interested firms are not allowed or permitted to communicate about this solicitation or scope with any staff or any official representatives of the Authority, GWCC, or other facilities of the Authority, or their consultants, except for submission of questions as instructed in the RFP, or as provided by any existing work agreement(s). Finalists and Apparent Awardee(s) are restricted from making public statements or press releases about their selection as finalists or their apparent award. For violation of this restriction, the Authority reserves the right to reject the submittal of the offending respondent. While a specific construction schedule will be developed with the successful firm, the target completion date for this project is June 28th, 2024. The expectations for the selected firm will be to work with GWCCA and its design consultants to meet this target date. It is the policy of the State of Georgia that small businesses, female-owned businesses and minority businesses have a fair and equal opportunity to participate in the State purchasing process. Therefore, the Developer and the Authority encourages all small businesses, femaleowned businesses and minority-owned businesses to compete for, win, and receive contracts for goods, services, and construction. This desire on the part of the Developer and the Authority is not intended to restrict or limit competitive bidding or to increase the cost of the work. The Developer and the Authority support a healthy free market system that seeks to include responsible businesses and provides ample opportunity for business growth and development. The Georgia Department of Administrative Services maintains an office to assist small businesses, female-owned businesses and minority businesses in understanding the State procurement process. In addition to contacting the Authority Purchasing Department, all businesses, female-owned businesses and minority businesses can also contact the Governor's Small Business Center at the following address for assistance: The Governor's Small Business Center 75 5th Street, N.W., Suite 825 Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Telephone: (404) 962-4824 The Minority Business Coordinator of the Authority is Erle Coleman, 404-223-4122, e-mail: ecoleman@gwcc.com. All Respondents should be aware that contractors and subcontractors who utilize qualified minority subcontractors may qualify for a Georgia state income tax credits for qualified payments made to minority subcontractors. See O.C.G.A. 48-7-38. *** Bid event: A table of contents with corresponding tabs must be included to identify each section as instructed in this RFQ. Responses are limited to 24 pages (preferably 12 double-sided pages) or less using a minimum of size 11 font. One (1) page of the SOQ shall be devoted to an Organization Chart (requested in deliverable B-1). This page shall be single-sided and not exceed 11" x 17" in folded out size. Additional information should not be added on this page. Each SOQ shall be prepared simply and economically, providing straightforward, concise delineation of respondent's capabilities. Fancy bindings, irrelevant colored displays and promotional materials are not desired.


Conference / Convention Centers


Public - State/Provincial

Renovation, Site Work


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February 5, 2024

March 5, 2024


285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA

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