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Saving Project...

Published February 20, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Manistique, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

As of February 16, 2024, this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on February 17, 2024. Hot-mix asphalt (HMA) paving in the following Schoolcraft County locations: Hiawatha Township - Rivers Bend Drive - 0.31 miles, Swanson Road - 0.59 miles Project Location: Rivers Bend Drive beginning at M-94 extending 0.31 miles east and Swanson Road beginning at M-94 extending 0.59 miles east Description of Work This proposal includes HMA overlay and approach work. The contractor is responsible for all items listed in the proposal. All work shall be performed while maintaining traffic. General Notes: HMA paving will occur from M-94 to the end of Rivers Bend Drive and Swanson Road. The project limits will be marked by the Engineer. Existing paved drives will be matched with HMA paving. The limit of paving drives shall be milled as directed by the Engineer, but not more than 33 feet from the roadway centerline. All milling shall be included in the item HMA, 4EL. Existing concrete drives shall be replaced to match the newly finished HMA elevation with HMA pavement. Schoolcraft County Road Commission will saw cut and remove the existing concrete and prepare the driveways for paving. The contractor is responsible for paving the driveway, all work shall be included in the item HMA, 4EL. Mainline paving is estimated at 165 pounds per square yard for both Swanson Road and Rivers Bend Drive. The gravel turnaround at the end of Swanson Road and all approaches to concrete drives are estimated at 250 pounds per square yard. Schoolcraft County Road Commission will prepare the gravel turnaround and concrete drives for pavement. HMA pavement shall match the existing pavement width. The Engineer shall determine the exact limits of work prior to the start of construction. Estimated Quantities HMA, 4EL = 1,080 Tons Mobilization = 1 LSUM Traffic Control = 1 LSUM DESCRIPTION This work shall be done in accordance with the requirements of section 501 of the Michigan Department of Transportation 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction and as herein specified. MATERIALS The paving mixture shall be HMA, 4EL. The Performance Grade of the asphalt binder for the mixture shall be 58-28. The Aggregate Wear Index (AWI) for the top course shall be a minimum of 220. The JMF for all HMA will have 3.0% air voids. The Contractor shall submit a JMF at or before the preconstruction meeting. The Asphalt Bond Coat material shall be per Section 501.03 of the MDOT 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction. The uniform rate of application shall be 0.05 to 0.15 gallons per square yard. All materials and work shall be in accordance with the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. Insurance and bonding requirements shall be in accordance with the 2020 MDOT Standard Specifications for Construction. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive any defect in the bids, and make awards in any manner deemed in the best interest of Hiawatha Township and Schoolcraft County Road Commission. The Owner anticipates that construction shall begin no earlier than June 3, 2024, or as directed by the Engineer. No work shall commence prior to formal notice of award by the Owner. The Contractor shall prepare and submit a detailed Progress Schedule to the Engineer at or prior to the preconstruction meeting. MDOT Form 1130 may be used but is not required. The Progress Schedule shall include the controlling items of work and the planned dates that the items will be occurring. Once a controlling item of work has started, it shall be continuous until completed unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a Completion Letter when all work is completed. Work included in this proposal shall be completed on or before September 27, 2024. Liquidated Damages will be assessed in accordance with Section 108.10 of the 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction. After award and prior to the start of work, the Contractor must attend a pre-construction meeting with the Engineer. The Engineer will determine the day, time and place of the meeting. The meeting may be rescheduled if there are delays in the award of the project. Any subcontractor(s) for designated or specialty items included in this proposal are encouraged to attend the pre-construction meeting if such items affect the work schedule. Bid Results: County Road 453 Paving : Bacco - $137,602.04 County Road 433 Paving : Payne & Dolan - $521,884.00


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Manistique, MI

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