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Published January 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lincoln, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) seeks proposals from qualified consultants to provide assistance for the 2025 update of their All-Hazards Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Proposals will be evaluated by LPSNRD staff and recommendations for award will be made to the NRD Board of Directors. The update will include updating the hazard mitigation goals, identifying what existing projects entities are doing to address hazards, identifying updated mitigation options, updating the plan to meet FEMA standard and FEMA approval, incorporating Lincoln s Flood Mitigation Plan, and meeting with participating counties, cities and villages to include the Community Rating System (CRS). It is estimated that 1-3 meetings will be necessary with each village, city, county, and/or district interested in participating in the program. Participating villages, cities, counties, and districts in the current plan include all of Lancaster County and its communities, all of Cass County and its communities, and participating school districts, fire districts, water districts, and sanitary improvement districts within Lancaster and Cass Counties. The selected firm will work with LPSNRD and the Emergency Managers (Ems) to obtain and share information, meet with the participants, and work with the boards and councils for plan adoption. Included with the final proposal should be the firm's past experience in Hazard Mitigation Planning and similar efforts, the firm's approach to the planning effort and a description of how they intend to carry this approach out if their firm is selected. A scope of services should be provided in the submittal. It should describe the components of the scope of services and tasks to be completed by both the firm and local sponsors including the EMs, LPSNRD, and participants and stakeholders, what flexibility the firm will have working with the project, and how the firm intends to assure the plan is thorough and completed on time. The proposal should also include a timeline for the services offered and any other strategies, activities and goals needed to develop an acceptable Updated Hazard Mitigation Plan. The selection committee may select a firm from the proposals submitted or may request additional information from a firm or firms. Interviews will then be scheduled and conducted (if needed), a contract will be negotiated, and the consultant selection will be determined in mid-February. Contact David Potter, LPSNRD Assistant General Manager at 402-476-2729 or dpotter@lpsnrd.org with any questions or for copies of the approved BRIC Grant and the current LPSNRD Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. LPSNRD reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, waive minor irregularities in any proposal and to accept the proposal most favorable to the LPSNRD s interest. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Multiple Locations, Lincoln, NE

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