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Published January 24, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Amendment 001. The purpose of amendment 001 is to open the 2025 SRS Shortlist Call for Qualifications. This is for the period of 05/01/2025 through 04/30/2026. *2024 PARTICIPANTS NEED TO RE-CERTIFY THEIR SF330 IS CORRECT AND ACCURATE ( 2025 Region 8 SRS Shortlist AE Pool Renewal Certification form attached) BUT DO NOT RESUBMIT A COMPLETE PACKAGE. ** New applicant shouls complete the package issues in 2025/2026 for the remaining two years. UPDATE: 08 Mar 2024 / 1000 ET Virtual Contractor Townhall #2 - See attachment for link to the virtual townhall. This will provide the opportunity to ask questions regarding the process or specifics on completing the SF-330. UPDATE: 25 JAN 2024 1400ET VIRTUAL CONTRACTOR TOWNHALL. See attachment for link to the virtual townhall. This will provide information on the SF330 review process and how the process works for project selection. WHAT and WHERE IS THE SHORT SELECTION DATABASE USED FOR The Forest Service may utilize the Short Selection database to award Architect-Engineer (A&E) contracts, below $250,000, in all States included within the USDA Forest Service SRS, PNW, and IITF footprints, (including the States/Territories of: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Washington State, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands). Acquisition support is provided from SRS Headquarters located in Asheville, NC and all files will be located at the SRS Headquarters. The database contains all the qualified, interested AE firms that respond to this notice for consideration for future approved projects falling within the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes indicated. Examples of some of the types of work includes but is not limited to (approximately 73 awards over the previous 3 years): NAICS Total Awards Total Value 541310 7 $588,300.85 541320 1 $3,400.00 541330 49 $4,329,993.76 541350 1 $5,201.82 541360 1 $94,043.53 541370 8 $243,637.50 541620 2 $109,102.01 541690 1 $57,753.00 541990 1 $32,547.00 replacements, bridges, roads, and trails surveying (construction and property) construction inspection/safety inspections of roads, bridges under FP-14 and state laws design of repairs to small dams and impoundments laboratory repairs and renovations review and design of HVAC systems upgrades green building construction and certification consultation historic preservation renovations to improve energy efficiency and address safety concerns design of small warehouses and offices energy audits and studies design of photovoltaic and other renewable energy systems review and design of electrical systems drafting services overall facility condition assessments geotechnical investigation, and environmental (RCRA, CECRLA, CWA, etc.) investigations, reviews, inventories, audits, and coordination of RCRA and other waste disposal. There is an average of 100 firms listed in our database each year. On an annual basis, an average of twenty requirements are expected to be executed using this database, throughout all states covered. WHAT IS THE SHORT SELECTION PROCESS The Short Selection Process utilizes the procedures set forth in Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Part 36.602-5. For A&E projects with an estimated total fee under the Simplified Acquisition Threshold (currently $250,000) agencies may review current data files for eligible AE firms, perform a technical review and evaluation to determine the three (3) most highly qualified firms, and have discussions with the three (3) firms to determine the best qualified firm for that project. A price proposal will then be requested from the highest technically rated firm. If a reasonable price cannot be negotiated, discussions will be held with the second-best qualified firm, and so on. AE data files will be maintained by State and NAICS code. The AE's ability to provide licensed professionals in the State/Territory where the project is located (FAR 36.602-1(a)(1) and the firm's geographic proximity and knowledge of the local area (FAR 36.602-1(a)(5)) as identified on the AE's SF330 and supplemental information, will be used for the first preliminary screening of firms when a large list of potential firms exists. Large Businesses should not respond. All acquisitions utilizing this short selection database shall be set-aside for small business concerns. The database is set up with filters for State, Zip Code, NAICS Codes, Small Business Size, and Small Business Socio-Economic Classification. The due date is listed below; SF330s are valid for one year from the date of notification that your firm has been added to the short list database. Firms are encouraged to update their data annually by responding to this announcement. however, the Forest Service will retain previously submitted data for a period of three years. AE firms currently on the shortlist will be retained on the new shortlist unless the AE firm's data has not been resubmitted within three years, or the AE firm responds to the Contracting Officer that they no longer wish to be included. WHAT DOES MY FIRM NEED TO SUBMIT TO DETERMINE ELIGIBILITY AND RECEIVE CONSIDERATION FOR FUTURE AE PROJECTS Submittals shall be brief and concise. Only the first fifty (50) pages of your response will be retained. The Initial review will determine if a firm is minimally qualified to do work for the Federal Government as described in the synopsis. After initial evaluation, minimally qualified firms will be listed in the short selection database and the first 50 pages of their submittal package placed on file. As specific projects arise, the short selection database will be used to pull a list of qualified firms that can perform the needed work at the specific location. At that point, the submittal package for those specific firms will be pulled from the file and used to perform a technical review as described in the synopsis. The company submittal shall include the following information: Cover letter should be included with all other data. The letter should outline the work your firm specializes in and include a brief description of your firm's capabilities specifically relating to the project examples stated above. 1 Page Limit - Not included in 50-page limit. Attachment A - A&E Submittal Cover Sheet. A-E FIRMS DO NOT NEED TO COVER ALL LOCATIONS NOR DO THEY NEED TO PERFORM ALL NAICS. ATTACHMENT A -A&E SUBMITTAL COVER SHEET ALLOWS AN AE FIRM TO SELECT WHICH LOCATION THEY CAN COVER AND WHICH NAICS THEY ARE ABLE TO PERFORM. 2 Pages - Not included in 50-page limit. System for Award Management (SAM) record. A copy of your current and active SAM registration is required for award of federal contracts and to be considered for project work. All NAICS Codes listed on the A&E Submittal Cover Sheet must be listed on your SAM record. Contractors may register in SAM at www.sam.gov. Registration is free of charge to all Government Contractors. - Not included in 50-page limit. Attachment B - SF330, Parts 1 and 2 (6 pages). Part 2 of the SF330 includes a list of the number of licensed professionals and the States of their licensing for each of the Function codes identified in block 9 of Part 2 of the SF330. https://www.gsa.gov/forms-library/architect-engineerqualifications. 50-page limit applies. This includes the primary firm and their partners/subcontractors. Design Fee Limitations. In accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 15.404 4(c)(4)(i)(B), fees for design services cannot exceed 6% of the Estimated Construction Cost Amount. See Attachment C for information on some specific services subject to/not subject to the 6% fee limitation. This list is not meant to be all inclusive. Please note: FAR 36.602-1(a) requires "Professional qualifications necessary for satisfactory performance of required services" but does not specifically require that a license be held in every state included in this requirement. However, the respondent should be familiar with requirements specific to the different locations and be available to travel to the location for any necessary site visits. Submittal Information/Deadlines. Deadline: Submittals must be received on 15 MAR 2024 by 1200 p.m. Anchorage, Alaska Time. Addressing: All submittals will be pdf format and emailed. The subject line of your email shall read: 12445124R0001_Company Name_SF330_Submittal How to Submit: Submittals will be emailed to Cynthia.Granderson@usda.gov with a cc: Steven.Alves@usda.gov The Contracting Officer reserves the right to onboard additional AE firms as part of maintaining the Short Selection Database. The database will be refreshed on an annual basis via additional announcements on Beta.SAM.gov. Questions related to this announcement shall be referred to Steven Alves at Steven.Alves@usda.gov Participating USDA States and Forests. Firms are encouraged to visit the participating unit websites to gain further insight into their potential unique requirements for engineering and design work: Southern Research Station (SRS) - https://srs.fs.usda.gov/locations/ Pacific Northwest Research Station (PNW) - https://www.fs.usda.gov/research/pnw International Institute of Tropical Forestry (IITF) - https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/iitf Southern Region, Region 8 - https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r8 Alaska Region, Region 10 - https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r10 Contact Information Contracting Office Address DANIEL BOONE NATIONAL FOREST 1700 BYPASS ROAD WINCHESTER, KY 40391 Primary Point of Contact Cynthia Granderson Cynthia.Granderson@usda.gov 601-965-1619 Secondary Point of Contact Steven Alves Steven.Alves@usda.gov 859-334-0524 The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time.




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