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Published May 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Menomonie, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

In general, the work consists of: repairs to an existing masonry chimney and installation of a new stainless steel roof mounted chimney. The existing masonry chimney is approximately 204'-4" tall. It has a 12'-9" inside diameter at the base and tapers down to an 8"-4" diameter at the top. The chimney is made up of an outer octagonal brick and an interior radial liner that extends up to 75-0". There is a gas meter platform at-90-0" with (4) gas sampling ports at 100-0". The platform is accessed by a fixed ladder on the south side accessible from the roof of the heating plant/breeching. There are (3) aviation obstruction lights located 20'-(0" below the top positioned at a 120deg. orientation. Work will consist of brick replacement, tuckpointing, tension band painting/caulk (35 bands), maintenance platform painting/caulking, ladder painting/caulking, lightning protection system inspection/repair, concrete cap replacement, breeching duct connection repair, cleanout door painting, and foundation caulking. Masonry work will include both interior and exterior faces. The top of the stack will be demolished down to the 5th tension band below the top where the brick bows out and rebuilt back up to a height of 195'-0". The new stainless-steel stack will extend up 60'-0" above the heating plant roof level for boiler #4. It has a inside diameter of 5'-0" uniform throughout. It will be made of sections of stainless-steel plate bolted together at flanges. The entire stack will be attached to the heating plant roof. The existing heating plant roof is made up of W-shape members that will require reinforcement in the area of the new stack. The roof framing will also need to be modified to fit the taller stack and the breeching to it from below. The current breeching from boiler #4 will need to have a damper added. The new breeching from the boiler to the new stack will be added with a damper as well for operation off of either stack. Base Bid will be received for: A single lump sum bid for All Work. Bid Guarantee in the amount of 10% of the Bid must accompany each bid submitted. Estimated value $2,000,000 The 2017-2019 Wisconsin State Budget (2017 Wisconsin Act 59) repealed Wisconsin's prevailing wage laws. Effective September 23, 2017, state prevailing wage requirements on state building projects no longer apply. These changes take effect for projects advertised for bid after September 23, 2017. This change does not affect the Federal Davis Bacon Act requirements

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April 30, 2024

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307 9th Ave E, Menomonie, WI

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