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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The scope of work (hereinafter referred to as the "Work") involves the supply of goods, materials and services meeting the description and requirements noted below for Gold Horse Casino (hereinafter referred to as "GHC") in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan. SIGA would like to obtain the services of a qualified and certified Journeyman Electrician, on an as needed basis, for the Gold Horse Casino (GHC) in Lloydminster, SK. Services to commence March 8th, 2024 and upon a signed and approved contract by both parties. The type of Work required will include, but is not limited to, repair, replacement, and maintenance of electrical components with the following elements: On an as needed basis including emergency commercial electrical repair services. Removal and disposal of all damaged parts as required or necessary for the maintenance service. Supply and install necessary new parts for the repair service to be coded CSA or UL Canada certified. Working area: All Gold Horse Casino facilities. Additional work/projects within the scope but above $10,000.00 will require a quotation. The quotation will be reviewed by the appropriate approving authority and only if accepted will the bidder receive a Purchase Order. The Gold Horse Casino would be under no obligation to pay for Work done without prior approval and may at its sole option request alternate quotations. SIGA maintains the right to go out for competitive bid if it deems necessary. SIGA reserves the right, which is to be exercised in its sole discretion in the best interests of the SIGA, to waive minor deficiencies or non-compliances in any Bid. SIGA reserves to itself the right to reject any and all bids submitted including the lowest bid, and may negotiate with one or more Bidders for the provision of some part or all of the goods and/or services subject to this ITT. SIGA further reserves the right to at any time cancel this ITT process in whole or in part, or to award any and all parts of the possible Contract to one or more Bidders, or to negotiate Bids offered for awards on a basis different from that set out in this ITT



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 26, 2024

March 8, 2024


3910 41 St, Lloydminster, SK

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