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Published January 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Watertown, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; road / highway; and road / highway.

Site Address: City of Watertown - Main Street Return questionnaire to: ROBERT E. LEE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers 1250 Centennial Centre Boulevard Hobart, WI 54155 lreschke@releeinc.com (e-mail) 2024 Main Street Utility Reconstruction. Est. Completion Date: April 12, 2024 Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc., requires bidders to prequalify 5 calendar days prior to bid opening. The Letting of the Work Described Herein is Subject to the Provisions of the Wisconsin State Statutes, in Particular 62.15, 66.0901, and 66.0903. Peter Hartz, Utility Manager City of Watertown January 12 & 19, 2024 Wnaxlp. Project Description: the Project Includes the Removal and Replacement of the Water Main and Some Sanitary Sewer, Base Course, Grading, Concrete Pavement, and Concrete Sidewalk in Accordance With the Plans and Specifications. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid bond or certified check equivalent to 5% maximum proposal. The Owner Reserves the Right to Reject Any or All Bids or Any Part of a Bid. Further, the Owner Reserves the Right to Waive Any Informality in Any Bid. 0157 o The unit price for erosion control shall include the installation, maintenance and removal of all erosion control items needed for the project including, but not limited to, tracking pads, silt fence, inlet protection, dewatering baskets, erosion bags, sediment logs and ditch checks. 0159 o The unit price for Traffic Control, Detour Signage shall include providing, erecting, partially or fully covering or uncovering, removing, and maintaining all signs, barricades, portable message boards, including posts, channels, mounting hardware, flags as per approved detour plan and submittal of detailed detour plans for engineer and governing agency approval (when required). All work shall comply with WDOT Specifications and MUTCD guidelines. 0241 o The unit price for all concrete or bituminous removal bid items require a clean, full depth sawed joint. The cost of sawing shall be incidental to the removal bid item. Removal shall include the sawing, removing, loading, hauling and disposal of all materials. o The unit price for Abandonment bid items for all existing sanitary sewers, water mains, storm sewers, inlets, lift stations and all appurtenances shall only be paid for when the existing pipe or structure lies outside the trench excavation required to install the new pipe or structure. Grouting or bulkheading shall be included in the unit price when indicated on the plans, if grouting is not indicated on the plans or as a bid item, then all abandoned pipes shall be bulkheaded as outlined in Specification Section 40 05 13.10, Buried Piping and Appurtenances. The abandonment of lift stations shall include removal of all internal and external piping, pumps and controls, removal of the top three feet of the structure and filling with granular fill. o The unit price for Sanitary Sewer Removal bid items shall include all removals, bypass pumping, dewatering, disposal of excavated material, backfilling, compaction, and all appurtenances as specified. 0333 o The unit price of all Concrete Sidewalks, Curb & Gutters, Pavements, Ramps, Driveways and Aprons shall include all full depth saw cutting, removals, excavation, subgrade preparation, crushed aggregate base course connections to existing structures, reinforcement, backfilling and all restoration. o The unit price for all Water Main Bid Items shall include all required removals, bedding, fittings, tees, crosses, bends, adaptors, plugs, thrust restraint, appurtenances, tracer wire, connections to existing mains, disposal of all excavated trench material, backfilling, disinfecting, all appurtenances, all specified testing and all restoration. o The unit price for all Water Main Directionally Bored Bid Items shall include all required fittings, tees, crosses, bends, adaptors, plugs, thrust restraint, appurtenances, tracer wire, connections to existing mains, disposal of all excavated trench material, backfilling, disinfecting, all appurtenances, all specified testing and all restoration. o The unit price for Water Main Bid Items for gate valves, butterfly valves and tapping sleeve and valves shall include valves, valve boxes, valve box hangers and all restoration. o The unit price for all Water Service Bid Items shall include all required removals, bedding, saddles, corporation stops, curb stops, curb boxes, service tubing, tracer wire, unions, couplings, appurtenances, all connections, all specified testing and all restoration. o The unit price for Temporary Water Service shall include installing, and maintaining a temporary water service including disinfection, connection to all affected users, all appurtenances, all specified testing and all restoration. o The unit price for all Water Service Directionally Bored Bid Items into and below existing structures shall include all work between the new curb stop and the existing building or between the new or existing water main and the existing building, and connection to the new or existing water main where applicable. o The unit price for all Work Inside of Buildings shall include concrete removal, entrance into the building through the basement floor, new meter horn with ball valve, all fittings including installation of a new owner supplied water meter and all restoration. Coordinate with City of Watertown and property owner 3333 o The unit price for all Sanitary Sewer Bid Items shall include all removals, bedding, fittings, connections, prefabricated tees and wyes, adaptors, risers, castings, chimney seals, castings, bypass pumping, dewatering, disposal of all excavated trench material, backfilling, all appurtenances, all required testing and all restoration. 5000.01 o The unit price for Interior Plumbing is for relocating the meter and meter horn within the Building. This bid item includes all work required for relocation, service piping, all appurtenances and restoration. 5000.02 o The unit price for electrical grounding is for work involved with relocating the grounding of electrical service from the existing water line per code. This bid item shall include the relocation, placement of ground rods, grounding of electrical services, all appurtenances, and all restoration.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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January 26, 2024

February 26, 2024


E Main St, Watertown, WI

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