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Published February 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Portsmouth, Ohio. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 1,204-square-foot, two-story above grade residential development.

All questions pertaining this IFB documents shall be addressed to Greg Sparks 410 Court St. Portsmouth, Ohio 45662 (hereinafter, the Director of Planning & Development), Telephone: 740-351-1610; e-mail: greg@pmha.us Q/A Cutoff Date: 01/30/2024 Q/A Cutoff Time: 11.00 AM ET Each bidder shall submit his/her proposed costs, prior to the posted deadline, as provided for herein. Whereas this is an informal solicitation process, the HA reserves the right to extend the posted deadline at any time prior to the deadline, if, in the opinion of the Director of Planning & Development, it is in the best interests of the HA to do so The HA reserves the right to: Reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in the IFB process, or to terminate the IFB process at any time, if deemed by the HA to be in the best interest of the HA; Terminate a contract awarded pursuant to this IFB at any time for its convenience upon delivery of a 10-day written notice to the apparent or successful bidder; Determine the days, hours and locations that the successful bidder shall provide the items or services called for in this IFB; Reject and not consider any bid that does not, in the opinion of the Director of Planning & Development, meet the requirements of this IFB, including but not necessarily limited to incomplete bids offering alternate (not including or equal items) or non-requested items or services The HA reserves the right to require the successful bidder/contractor to utilize any form required by HUD to complete the required work and by submitting his/her bid each contractor agrees to do so at no additional charge. RENOVATION OF 1 TOWNHOUSE UNIT. NEW INTERIOR FINISHES IN BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, & BEDROOMS. REPLACE EXISTING FURNACE w/ NEW o Ceiling color: Flat White-provided and installed by the contractor. o Floor Base and casing color: English Saddle provided and installed by the contractor. o Wall color: Bone White - Eggshell- provided and installed by the contractor. o Additional plumbing fixture information is attached and "Bubbled" as Revision #1 on the attached drawing sheets. o PMHA would like piston style on the 'A' coil at furnace. o Apply "Ardex" as required to the existing first floor concrete floors for a smooth finish. o All new line sets are to be installed to replace the existing. o Remove and replace existing kitchen and dining room w/ new 1/2" gypsum board. Tape, Prime, and paint ceiling flat white. o Keep existing stair access door under the stair - paint "English Saddle". o Remove all shade brackets at windows & patch walls as required. o Remove and replace existing living room ceiling w/ new 1/2" gypsum board. Tape, Prime, and paint ceiling flat white. o Paint wood stair stringers. Remove old base above stringer & install new trim / wood base. Paint. o New gypsum board in 2nd floor bathroom walls - use moisture resistant gypsum board. Overlay in ceiling w/ 1/4" gypsum board. o Patch drywall on the washer wall as required. A new recessed connection box is to be installed. o Provide and over lay 1/4 " gypsum board at second floor bathroom ceiling. Tape, prime, and paint.


Residential Subdivision


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1314 Waller St, Portsmouth, OH

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