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Published January 18, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

RM of Spiritwood No. 496 Requests for Proposals - Gravel Crushing R.M. of Spiritwood No. 496, hereinafter called the "RM", to furnish all necessary tools, equipment, plant services, and labour to execute the work 1. The Contractor shall crush all the gravel listed by August 15th, 2024. An extension of time required to complete the contract may be extended, if agreed in writing between the Contractor and the R.M. of Spiritwood No. 496. 2. Payment will be made based upon measurements provided by the contractor & RM drone software, within 30 days of the completion of crushing, with no shrinkage paid. 3. Primary jaw must be capable of crushing rock up to 20 inches in diameter. 5. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure quality of gravel produced is per specifications. The RM may contract an engineer to take random sampling of the gravel crush to ensure compliance of gravel quality. 7. The successful bidder will be required to enter into a Gravel Crushing Agreement. If the successful bidder refuses or neglects to sign the Contract Agreement within seven (7) days after the notice that the bidder has been successful in procuring the job, the RM reserves the right to reject the proposal and award it to the next bidder considered appropriate by the RM. 8. The RM reserves the right to reject any and all Request for Proposals, to waive irregularities and information at their discretion and to accept the proposal which the RM deems to be in its best interest. The lowest proposal will not necessarily be accepted. The Bidder agrees that his proposal is to continue open to acceptance and irrevocable for thirty (30) days of the date of closing, whether any other proposal has been accepted or not. The RM reserves the right to negotiate at the time of acceptance, with the lowest bidder only, for a lower proposal price, or for the removal from the proposal of qualifying conditions, or both. No action of the RM other than a written "Notice of Acceptance" shall constitute an acceptance of a proposal. 9. The Contactor shall complete all work described in this tender by the dates outlined in Section 1, or a penalty of $500/day may apply at the discretion of the RM until the work is completed. 10. The successful contractor will be required to provide proof of liability insurance of no less than $2,000,000.00 and a letter of good standing from WCB. 11. For further information please contact the Municipal Foreman at 306-841-7655. 12. The RM reserves the right to renew the contract, but is under no obligation to renew the contract for a further term of up to one year, to a maximum of three terms, subject to funding and satisfactory performance of the Contractor. As renewal is not assured, Bidders are cautioned to prepare their tender price on the basis of a single term contract only. Should the option-to-renew be exercised, the bid rate or bid price is expected to remain unchanged in the subsequent term unless, in the RM's sole opinion, a negotiated rate change is warranted. 13. Unruh Pit may need additional equipment support as the gravel seam is shallow and pit floor can be soft due to water levels. Amount of crush maybe larger depending on available material, which may affect material crushed in other pits with no crush in the RM/Diesen Pit. 14. Please provide cost of reject per yard.


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Spiritwood, SK

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