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Published April 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Reading, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Reading School District is soliciting sealed bids for the Reservoir Field Improvements ("Project") in the form of MULTIPLE prime lump sum contracts. Contract 1: General Construction Contract 2: Electrical Electronic Contract Documents: To Bid the Project, prospective bidders must obtain the Contract Documents in electronic format (PDF) directly from DHuy Engineering, Inc., (dei@dhuy.com) accompanied by a non-refundable fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00). Checks shall be made payable to DHuy Engineering, Inc. Documents will be sent electronically after receipt of payment. Bidders must supply the following information with their request for documents: company name, contact person, complete address, phone and cellular numbers, and email address. Documents will be available on January 19, 2024. All questions must be submitted in writing as follows. Phone calls are not permitted. All questions must be sent to: 1. All questions must be sent to: Elisabeth Hamscher (ech@dhuy.com) DHuy Engineering, Inc. 2. All MEP questions must be copied to: John Schulze (JohnS@cemec.com) Consolidated Engineers 3. All Architectural questions must be copied to: Phil Leinbach (pmleinbach@aem-arch.com) AEM Architects, Inc. The Reservoir Field is a synthetic turf athletic field that is located within Hampden Park in the City of Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania. The field is bordered by tennis courts to the north, Hampden Boulevard to the west, wooded properties, and Reading Area High School to the south, and wooded properties to the east. The athletic field was once a reservoir that was drained, and the field was constructed at the base of the reservoir. Steepened slopes surround the field on all sides. A driveway is located along the top of the eastern slope, which is where the investigation was conducted. The topography of the driveway slopes gently downward to the north and south. Plate 1, included in the Appendix of this Report, shows the general location of the site on a topographic map of the area. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONS Based on the Reservoir Field Improvements plan, dated July 16, 2023, prepared by AEM Architects, and subsequently provided to EEI, two (2) Cast-In-Place (CIP) retaining walls are proposed to be installed on the eastern side of the existing field. The retaining walls will be constructed in a tiered configuration. The upper wall will be approximately twelve feet and seven inches (12ft-7in) tall with approximately nine feet and seven inches (9ft-7in) exposed. The lower wall will be located approximately twenty six feet and seven inches (26ft-7in) (horizontal) west of the upper wall. The lower wall will be approximately fifteen feet and seven inches (15ft-7in) tall, with approximately twelve feet seven inches (12ft 7in) exposed. Both retaining walls are anticipated to be cantilevered structures. The proposed construction, in relation to the existing site features, is shown on the Boring Location Plan, EEI Drawing Number: 36396.00-A-101, which is included with this Letter Report.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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800 Washington St, Reading, PA

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