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Renovation of an elderly care / assisted living facility in Westfield, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a elderly care / assisted living facility.

The project scope consists of, but is not limited to, alterations to the Dining Commons Machine Room, Make-up Air. Installation of a new exhaust fan unit to be installed atop the Tim and Jeanne's Dining Commons. Prevailing Wages are applicable. The existing fan is being replaced with a fan that can handle both airflows. The plan identifies replacing the existing fan with a Greenheck USF-18 utility set fan, or equivalent. We also recommend installing a VFD for two-speed fan control. The existing roof curb opening can be reused for new ductwork through the roof. The utility set fan will need 5 feet of horizontal ductwork installed from the roof curb to the inlet of the fan, as well as 3 feet of ductwork and a butterfly damper installed on the vertical outlet of the fan. The fan can be mounted on rooftop equipment supports on an open area adjacent to the existing roof curb. The fan VFD will be interlocked with the refrigerant alarm. During normal operation the fan will operate at 1200 cfm. If a refrigerant alarm is activated, the VFD will increase the fan to 3000 cfm to handle the emergency accordance with the documents prepared by EDM, 45 South Main Street, Unionville, CT 06085. THIS PROJECT IS BEING ELECTRONICALLY BID AND HARD COPY BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please review the instructions in the bid documents on how to register as an electronic bidder. All Bids shall be submitted online at and received no later than the date and time specified Copies of addenda will be made available for inspection at the locations listed in the Advertisement where Contract Documents are on file or at Hard copies of the addenda will not be forwarded to the plan holders. The bidder is solely responsible for reviewing all addenda posted on the project website. a 15.3% Minority and 6.9% Women All bidding Requests for Information (RFIs) shall be submitted online by 01/25/2024 at 1:00PM EST for general bids.


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - State/Provincial






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February 14, 2024

March 8, 2024


577 Western Ave, Westfield, MA

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