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Published March 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Cape May, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 55,000-square-foot educational facility.

The Work consists of the preparation of the existing roof membrane (approximately 54,350 S.F.) for restoration and approximately 650 S.F of roof replacement. 10. Provide metal wall panels on rising walls in limited areas as shown on plans. 11. Remove and replace existing metal roof ladders as shown on the plans. 12. Roof Restoration: Prior to the preparation of the existing roof membrane for restoration, the Contractor shall remove the existing walk pads, existing gravel, and remove and replace existing wet insulation and roof in the areas indicated to be restored in the Construction Documents. Areas of wet insulation will be removed and replaced as detailed on the construction documents. An infra-red report is not available at this time. Refer to the Allowance and Unit Price specification sections. Schedule all work to occur during periods of minimal building occupancy. This building is occupied year-round with summer school. Provide odor mitigation measures, including but not limited to, coordinating shutdown, and wrapping of roof mounted equipment air intakes while roofing materials are applied and/or curing. Provide charcoal filters for all units to prevent odor accumulation within occupied building spaces. Provide adequate labor to expedite this scope. i. The Contractor shall prepare the existing roof membrane by completely removing all foreign debris from the roof surface. Vacuum roof surface to remove all loose aggregate and dirt from roof surface. Firmly embedded gravel within the field of the roof may remain. Blow surface free of all residual dust. All surface defects (cracks, blisters, tears, etc.) must be repaired. Scrub heavily soiled areas with a brush. Pressure wash surfaces to remove heavy buildup of dirt and thoroughly rinse away any contaminants from roof surface. Do not damage roof membrane in cleaning process. Allow roof to dry before continuing with restoration system. Prime all roof surfaces with asphalt primer at 1/2 - 3/4 gallon per 100 square feet. Spud back gravel from base of all walls, curbs, and roof edges. Install new ply of membrane flashing over the existing, clean and primed roof surface and secure top edge with termination bar. Apply a (3) three course application of cement and fabric at all seams. Apply new flashing at roof drains and scuppers. Install new metal wall panels and replace perimeter metal at areas indicated on the drawings. Provide .050 aluminum slip flashing with minimum 4" reveal at all copings that are to remain and existing equipment counterflashings. Liquid flash all pitch pockets and replace vent pipe flashings. Remove and replace perimeter metal copings where indicated. Coat the entire area with 7-8 gallons per 100 square feet asphalt-coal tar blend flood coat. Embed 400 lbs per square of gravel to match existing ii. The Contractor shall survey, inspect and document all existing conditions that may interfere with roof system coating. iii. Temporarily protect / tarp and support all existing rooftop equipment in the area of work during construction activities. Do not store materials or tools on the existing equipment. iv. Temporarily protect all windows, masonry, metal panels and all finished materials from roof coating overspray. 13. The project consists of removal and replacement of the roof system at the dust collector, paint booth and connecting corridor. The roof replacement consists of complete removal of the entire roof system to the structural deck including all metal edge work, scuppers, flashing, etc. as noted on the drawings and specifications. The roof deck and roof system type are noted on the roof plans. Generally, the new roof system will consist of 5.2 rigid with all joints staggered, 1/2 " overlayment and a 2 ply modified bitumen roof system. Provide new wood blocking to accommodate new insulation and gusset height. Provide crickets/gussets to divert water to roof drain and scupper as indicated on the new roof plan. In addition, provide crickets to divert water around all roof penetrations/obstructions whether shown on the plans or not. 14. The project consists of masonry repairs on the front parking lot side of the old gym. The existing CMU step cracks will be stitched using Helifix reinforcement as shown on the construction documents. After the masonry repairs are made the CMU will be painted under the Base Bid. Metal wall panels will be provided along the entire length of the wall and side wall under Alternate Bid #1. It is expressly understood that the Bidder is responsible for getting the bid to the Business Administrator by the time and date set for the bid opening. Bids shall be addressed to the Owner whose name appears in Paragraph 1a of the Instructions to Bidders; they shall be mailed or delivered to the addressstated herein, enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, clearly marked with the name of the Bidder and the name of the Project as described in this Notice to Bidders; and must be received by not later than the time designated in this Notice to Bidders. No responsibility will attach to Architect or Owner for premature opening of a bid which is not properly identified. Any bid received after 3:00 PM will be returned unopened. The Bidders shall submit, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-18(b)(2), one Lump Sum Bid for all the work and materials. Bidders must be pre-qualified by the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Property Management and Construction (DPMC) with at least the DPMC classification associated with the work they intend to directly perform or, if Bidder will not directly perform any work, with DPMC classification C006, COOS, or C009. Bidders' Prime Subcontractors, defined as those listed in N.J.S.A. 1SA:1SA-18, must be pre-qualified by DPMC with the DPMC classification associated with the work they intend to directly perform or subcontract. The Bidder and named Prime Subcontractors must be prequalified prior to the date that bids are received. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check, bank cashier's check, treasurer's check or Bid Bond in the fonn provided in the Contract Documents, with corporate surety satisfactory to the Owner, in an amount of 10% of the Base Bid, but in no case in excess of $20,000.00, pursuant to N.J.S.A. lSA:lSA-24, naming as payee or obligee, as applicable, Lower Cape May Regional School District, to be retained and applied by the undersigned as provided in the Contract Documents in case the successful Bidder defaults in executing the Agreement or furnishing the bonds and insurance certificates as required by the Contract Documents. Prospective Bidders are advised that this Project is one which will be subject to and will be governed by provisions of New Jersey laws governing (a) Prequalification of Bidders N.J.S.A. lSA:lSA-26 et seq.; (b) Prevailing Wage Rates N.J.S.A. 34:11-56.27; (c) Use of Domestic Materials, N.J.S.A. lSA:lSA-20 (d) Ownership Disclosure Certification N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2; and (e) disclosure of investment activities in Iran, pursuant to N.J.S.A. lSA:lSA-49.4 in accordance with to N.J.S.A. 52:32-57, et seq The Public Works Contractor Registration Act, N.J.S.A. 34: 11-56.48 et seq., requires that the Bidder and named Prime Subcontractors must be registered at the time of Bid. The Owner is requesting that copies of the Public Works Contractor Registration Certificates for Bidder and its Named Prime Subcontractors be included in the Bidder's Bid Package, but the Bidder must provide copies of the Ce1iificates no later than the time of award. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44 all business organizations that do business with a local contracting agency, including Bidders and Named Prime Subcontractors, are required to be registered with the State through the New Jersey Department of Treasury, Division of Revenue. The Owner is requesting that copies of the Registrations for Bidder and its Named Prime Subcontractors be included in the Bidder's Bid Package, but the Bidder must provide proof of such Registrations prior to the award of the Contract. In addition, each Bid Package must include a certificate from a surety company stating it will provide said Bidder with a bond in such sum as required by N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-25. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty(60) days after the dates set for the opening thereof. The right is reserved to reject all bids pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-22 or to waive minor informalities, defects, and non-material exceptions. Bidders are required to comply with the provisions of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27-1.1 et seq. Question Deadline 02/06/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Question must be sent to (email jminniti@garrisonarch.com)




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687 US-9, Cape May, NJ

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