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Published February 21, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Salem, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Install fencing along the Sunnyview frontage to replace the existing chain link fence and install fencing from northbound soundwall to the northwest corner of the Capital Inn and Suites Building. The work to be done under this Contract consists of the following: 1. In the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Sunnyview Rd. and the I-5 Bridge: a. Install approximately 90' of 8' fencing along the Sunnyview frontage to replace the existing chain link fence. b. Along the Sunnyview frontage, a 16' double swing gate shall be installed for vehicle access. c. Remove existing chain link fencing, posts, and concrete bases. If existing post holes are not used, fill holes to leave a smooth finished surface. (approx. 90') 2. 500' to the south: a. Install 52' of 8' fencing from the southern end of the existing northbound soundwall to the northwest corner of the Capital Inn and Suites building. 3. F&W Fence Co. Inc. in Salem has provided us a quote for the work, but we only have ESB funds available, and F&W is not an ESB firm. Their quote is provided, it has the material specifications for the product we want, and the contact info for their business. Note that we have widened the gate since that quote was created. Substantial Completion: May 24, 2024 Final Completion: May 31, 2024 Failure to achieve Substantial Completion by the time specified above for Substantial Completion will result in damage to OWNER. Since actual damage will be difficult to determine, it is agreed that CONTRACTOR shall pay to OWNER, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, $100.00 per calendar Rev 01/2022 Page 3 of 26 day for each day elapsed in excess of the Substantial Completion date specified in Section 3 of this Agreement until Substantial Completion is achieved. (a) Reserved (b) Contractor certifies that Contractor has no undisclosed liquidated and delinquent debt owed to the State or any department or agency of the State. (c) Contractor certifies that all subcontractors performing Work described in ORS 701.005(2) (i.e., construction Work) will be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board or licensed by the Oregon State Landscape Contractors Board in accordance with ORS 701.035 to 701.055 before the subcontractors commence Work under the Contract. (d) Contractor certifies that it is certified by the State of Oregon as an "Emerging Small Business" per the guidelines of the Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity ("COBID"), that it will comply with all requirements of the Emerging Small Business Assistance Program under Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 200.160 through ORS 200.200, and that it will perform at least 51 percent of the labor for the Work using the Contractor's own workforce. (e) Contractor has a Qualifying Drug Testing Program in place for its employees that includes, at a minimum, the following: (i) A written employee drug testing policy, (ii) Required drug testing for all new Subject Employees or, alternatively, required testing of all Subject Employees every 12 months on a random selection basis, and (iii) Required testing of a Subject Employee when the Offeror has reasonable cause to believe the Subject Employee is under the influence of drugs. f Contractor uses different post holes from those that are existing, Contractor shall comply with ORS 757.542 to 757.562, Utility Notification Center. Buried utilities may be present within the project. Contractor is responsible for identifying any utility conflicts and shall coordinate conflict resolution with utility owners. This project is located within the area covered by the Oregon Utility Notification Center, which is the utility notification system for notifying the owners of utilities of work being performed within the vicinity of their facilities. The Utility Notification system telephone number is 1-800-332-2344. Contractor must perform all work under the Contract during the hours of 7:00 am and 5:00 pm Mondays through Fridays. No work may be performed on weekends or state-observed holidays. These hours may change with the approval of the Project Manager.




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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January 24, 2024

February 23, 2024


To Be Determined, Salem, OR

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ESB D3 I-5 MP 256.44 Fencing Project

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