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Saving Project...

Published February 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in West Jefferson, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The installation of a new pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Main Street and Franklin Street. The installation of pedestrian facilities, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, and minor pavement marking and signage. A Bid must be accompanied by Bid security made payable to Owner in an amount of 10 percent of Bidder's maximum Bid price (determined by adding the base bid and all alternates) and in the form of a certified check, bank money order, letter of credit on a solvent bank, or a Bid bond issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 6.01 of the General Conditions. A suggested Bid bond form is included in the Bidding Documents. The Bid security of the apparent Successful Bidder will be retained until Owner awards the contract to such Bidder, and such Bidder has executed the Contract, furnished the required Contract security, and met the other conditions of the Notice of Award, whereupon the Bid security will be released. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and deliver the Contract and furnish the required Contract security within 15 days after the Notice of Award, Owner may consider Bidder to be in default, annul the Notice of Award, and the Bid security of that Bidder will be forfeited. Such forfeiture will be Owner's exclusive remedy if Bidder defaults. The Bid security of other Bidders that Owner believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by Owner until the earlier of 7 days after the Effective Date of the Contract or 61 days after the Bid opening, whereupon Bid security furnished by such Bidders will be released. Bid security of other Bidders that Owner believes do not have a reasonable chance of receiving the award will be released within 7 days after the Bid opening. The Engineer's Estimate for this project is $161,277.50 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The Bidder to whom the Contract is awarded will be required to pay, at a minimum, the prevailing wage rate promulgated by the State. Applicable wage rates are included in the Bidding Documents.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Multiple Locations, West Jefferson, OH

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