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Published February 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Three Rivers, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

FY 24 street improvements on various streets in Three Rivers. The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive informalities or defects in a bid, or accept a bid it shall deem to be in the best interest of the City. The City does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. The City has a local preference guideline. If you received this document from our website, please e-mail your contact information to aroth@threeriversmi.org so we can place you on the bidders list for addenda. Anticipated award is at the February 20, 2024 Commission meeting. Final completion of this project shall be no later than June 7, 2024. SCOPE A. This Section includes preparation of the base construction of pavements and base courses, adjustment of manhole castings, and valve boxes to conform to new pavement courses, and other work and materials incidental to the construction of pavements. B. This Section includes restoration of permanent pavement markings as they exist at the time of bidding unless otherwise specified or directed. C. All traffic control shall be included in the costs listed on the enclosed bid form. D. Structure adjustments shall be incidental to the roadway bid unless specifically listed in the line items. Where listed in the line items, the manhole shall be cored around and replaced with concrete to grade. Where incidental, an estimated number of adjustments is included as a note in the description of work for each street. ROAD WORK DETAILS A. Broadway St (Constantine to US 131) - 2" mill and fill 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Include 17 storm/sanitary structure adjustments (core around existing structures, repair and adjust, place concrete around them) 3. Include 13 Water valve box structure adjustments (core around existing structures, adjust, place concrete around them) 4. Remove 2" of HMA 5. Install 2" HMA 6. Include pavement marking B. William R Monroe Blvd (US 131 to west edge of Tek Modo property) - 4" mill and fill (other depths) and KDF Drive 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Remove 4" of HMA 3. Pea stone filler with mastic crackfilling 4. Install 4" LVSP asphalt C. Union St (S Main to 3rd St) - Reconstruct pavement 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Include 5 structure adjustments (incidental) 3. Full depth pavement removal (estimated to be 4") 4. Install 4" LVSP asphalt D. Hill St (S Douglas to Spring) - Reconstruct pavement and add gravel shoulder (2 blocks) 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Include 1 structure adjustment (incidental) 3. Cold milling 2" 4. Install 2" LVSP asphalt E. Pleasant St (4th St to S Main) - Reconstruct pavement 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Include 3 structure adjustments (incidental) 3. Full depth pavement removal (estimated to be 4") 4. Install 4" LVSP asphalt F. N Andrews - Reconstruct pavement 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Include 3 structure adjustments (incidental) 3. Full depth pavement removal (estimated to be 4") 4. Install 4" LVSP asphalt Bid Alternate A - if awarded, will be completed at the same time as the base bid listed above G. Alley (between N Main and East St, Prutzman and Bennett) - Reconstruct Pavement 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. Full depth pavement removal (estimated to be 4") 3. Install 4" LVSP asphalt Bid Alternate B - if awarded, will be completed at the same time as the base bid listed above H. MDOT Skip Paving - Various Locations (S Main and E Michigan) 1. Start and stop at locations as indicated on the attached maps 2. 2" Cold Milling 3. Install 2" 5EML asphalt


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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