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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Victoria Hospital is currently undergoing an upgrade of its VAV mixing box controllers, due to obsolesce. It is expected there is an estimated 400 + controllers needing to be replaced. This tender will specifically be focusing on the first 25 controllers The replacement of these controllers are expected to be preformed by in house trade's staff. The Victoria Hospital has recently installed a Niagara Building controls software that manages 5 of the 134 controllers for the VAV mixing boxes. SHA Trades staff have been trained in operations and technical training for programing and building work bench graphics for Niagara. As a contingency, this RFP will also ask for technical support for assisting in programing Niagara if additional help is needed by the trades' staff. In addition this RFP will be asking for supply of specific building controls hardware. As replacement of the existing Mcell controllers will be a phased in approach, meaning they cannot be all replaced at once, the existing Honeywell platform will be running parallel to the Niagara platform until converted. Honeywell Controls and Niagara Building are existing to Victoria Hospital. Due to operational logistics, efforts are being made to standardize where possible, or have an alternate that will seamlessly integrate into the existing building controls. Vendors are to submit requests for equivalents products to the SHA representative no later than 2:00 p.m. SK. time, a minimum of 7 business days prior to the RFP closing date. After submitting electronically, you should receive an e-mail confirming receipt. If you do not receive this e-mail, you are requested to contact the following SHA representatives via telephone to confirm that your submission was received. Michelle Heichert at (306) 766-5167. Inquiries concerning this RFP are to be directed in writing as follows: Attention: Randy Durant If your rebate proposal is accepted, The Vendor shall submit the rebate payment directly to 3sHealth (a subsidiary of the SHA) and all rebate cheques are to be accompanied with a hard copy of the sales report to: 3sHealth - Finance Department, 700-2002 Victoria Avenue, Regina, SK, S4P 0R7 and an Excel document of the sales report by e-mail to E-mail:



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1200 24 St W, Prince Albert, SK

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