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Published June 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a water / sewer project in West Bountiful, Utah. Working plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

The short list of contractors has been determined. Timeline for bidding is not yet available. This courtesy posting is an advertisement of a procurement opportunity for South Davis Sewer District, not the Division of Purchasing. Responses should be directed to the designated individual/office as designated in the solicitation document. The Division of Purchasing does not accept responses for courtesy postings. The contract award for this solicitation will not be posted on this website. Instead, you will need to contact the designated individual/office as identified in the solicitation document. This solicitation posting will be canceled/closed upon the closing date of this solicitation; however, a vendors response will still be evaluated by South Davis Sewer District as described in the solicitation document. The Division of Purchasing is neither the issuing or conducting procurement unit for this solicitation, as such it is the vendor's responsibility to review the entire solicitation in order to comply with any requirements. Written questions should be directed to Edgar Teran at edgar.teran@aquaeng.com Question Submission Close Date 4/2/2024 12:21 PM MDT All Questions and Answers will be posted in U3P or addressed through addenda for all vendors to see, after the Q&A cut off date time. 1. Construction of a new Headworks building that will replace the existing headworks building. Furnish and install influent screens and other associated components including dry pit submersible pumps. Install chemical tanks and chemical feed system. 2. Construct a new Primary Clarifier and install all associated structural, gates, mechanical, piping, and electrical components. 3. Construct a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor (MBBR) tank, install associated screens, aeration piping and equipment, and add media. The tank will operate around 20-ft surface water depth. The MBBR will include medium/coarse bubble air grid and cylindrical media screens 4. Construct a Snail Trap structure and install associated grit vortex mechanism, gates and associated equipment. The concrete structure is part of the MBBR tank structure. 5. Construct a concrete Blower Building attached to the MBBR tank structure. The building will house turbo blowers that will aerate the MBBR tank described above. The Blower Building will house a pump and grit classifier. 6. Construct a new Administration building and demolish the existing building to make room for the new digester. 7. Construct a new Digester Building and Digester Tank and install associated process piping, pumps, boilers, and tank mixing equipment. Digester Building includes a new electrical room. 8. Construct a new Dewatering Building and install screw press system and other associated components including polymer mixing/injection skids. Dewatering building includes a new electrical room. 9. Sand blast and paint the existing Primary Clarifiers (1, 2, and 3) mechanisms. Contractor shall always maintain two or three clarifiers in operation during this task. 10. Sand blast and paint the gravity thickener mechanism. Contractor shall coordinate shut down and bypass pump during this task. 11. Sand blast and paint the existing Final Clarifiers (1, 2, 3, and 4) mechanisms. Contractor shall always maintain three or four clarifiers in operation during this task. 12. Remove and replace distribution arms from 3 of 4 trickling filters. Contractor to inspect spacer plate and anchor bolts on the spacer plate, and clean existing gasket seal. Contractor shall install new gasket seal on trickling filter 3. 13. Construct a new submersible pump station that contains trickling filter recycle pumps along with pumps that feed the new MBBR. 14. Remove and dispose of piping in the existing Raw Sludge Pump Station. Remove and salvage an existing Gorman Rupp pump and Piston Pump. Install new process piping and two new Gorman Rupp pumps. 15. Remove and dispose of piping in the existing Digester Control Building. Remove and Salvage two existing piston pumps located in the basement. Install new process piping and two new progressive cavity pumps. 16. Install a new effluent line 17. Construct a new electrical service for the facility including main switchgear, generator, automatic transfer switch, power distribution duct banks and other equipment to facilitate power distribution to all existing and new buildings 18. Construct a new fiber optic network for an upgraded SCADA system to include expansion to all existing and new buildings at the facility. Installation of SCADA and Instrumentation systems to support the control system as required in the contract documents. 19. All other civil, yard piping, mechanical, and electrical work included in the Contract Documents. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit price basis, with additive alternate bid items as indicated in the Bid Form. The last day to submit questions is May 24, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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31 Record(s)

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Low-Voltage Switchgear

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May 30, 2024

December 4, 2024


1800 West 1200 North, West Bountiful, UT

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