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Published February 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Hartford, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The successful Lead Proposer and their team of Sub Consultants ("Proposer") shall be expected to undertake all work necessary to answer the Authority's charge to identify both the immediate environmental needs and information necessary for potential future redevelopment of the South Meadows Site. The Authority recognizes that the scope of such environmental needs and other necessary information may vary dependent on the nature of the redevelopment to occur. Accordingly, key components of the Report of the South Meadows Redevelopment Considerations Study are the documentation of existing environmental conditions, conceptual site considerations and the immediate environmental needs and knowledge associated with potential future use of the South Meadows Site for: Industrial / Commercial Activities as defined in the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) Remediation Standard Regulations; Residential Activities as defined in the CT DEEP Remediation Standard Regulations: Currently-Permitted Activities; and A combination of such activities on separate partitions of the Site. Collectively, these items are referred to as "Potential Future Uses" Proposers should express their interest in this RFP by providing their contact information in writing to the Authority as soon as possible following publication of this RFP. This may be done by writing or e-mailing the Authoritys Supply Chain Manager as follows: Mr. Roger Guzowski Supply Chain Manager MIRA Dissolution Authority Phone (860) 757-7703 rguzowski@ctmira.org 300 Maxim Road Hartford, CT 06114 Deadline for proposers to submit Written Questions 3:00 p.m., Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Authority Response to submitted Questions Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Proposal evaluation including clarifications, interviews and negotiations Between March 11 and April 16, the Authority may contact Proposer to clarify information in proposal or participate in meeting to discuss their proposal. Approval by MIRA Dissolution Authority Board of Directors Expected at meeting of Board of Directors on April 16, 2024 Authority representatives will anecdotally describe aspects of the Site during tour and will formally follow up with answers to written questions submitted by the deadline indicated in the RFP Projected Timeline. Additional information concerning the Site tour will be provided to all Proposers expressing interest in this RFP approximately forty-eight hours prior to the tour by Addenda issued pursuant to Section III.E of this RFP. The Authority reserves the right to schedule additional times for a Site tour prior to the deadline for written questions at its discretion if the Authority considers such additional tours to be in its best interests. Such additional Site tours may include, but are not limited to, further entry into Site buildings for purposes of better quantifying the survey of all buildings for Hazardous Building Materials. All proposals will be opened at the Authoritys convenience on or after the proposal due date. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the proposals, or any part(s) thereof, and/or to waive any formality or informalities in any proposal or this RFP process. Unless otherwise identified by Proposer pursuant to Section I.F.8 hereof, the terms and conditions of the Agreement are non-negotiable. The Authority will review and consider any Business Exceptions taken by Proposer as part of its proposal evaluations. The successful Lead Proposer will be required to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Attachment D (Agreement). The Proposer substantially agrees to all the terms and conditions of this attached Agreement unless otherwise specified as provided in Section I.F.8 hereof. If the Agreement is to be awarded, the Authority will issue to the successful proposer(s) a Notice of Award within ninety (90) days after the proposal due date. The Authority reserves the right to correct inaccurate awards resulting from Authority errors. This may include, in extreme circumstances, revoking a Notice of Award already made to a proposer and subsequently awarding the Notice of Award to another proposer. Such action by the Authority shall not constitute a breach of this RFP by the Authority since the Notice of Award to the initial proposer is deemed to be void ab initio and of no effect as if no agreement ever existed between the Authority and the initial proposer. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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RFP - South Meadows Redevelopment Considerations Study

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