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Published February 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, new construction and addition to a military facility in Oromocto, New Brunswick. Completed plans call for the addition of a military facility; for the demolition of a military facility; for site work for a military facility; and for the construction of a 12,916-square-foot, one-story above grade military facility.

Reference Number 0000262112 In accordance with the rules, regulations, statutes, guidelines and the professional associations of the provinces where the project will be carried out, Defence Construction Canada (DCC) is calling for Proposals from Design-Build Teams to provide the following professional services: design and construction of the Curing Facility Addition to K4 Building at 5CDSB Gagetown, Oromocto, New Brunswick. Information provided by the Proponents will be evaluated using the established criteria in the RFP. The objective of this RFP is to select the Proponent with the highest total score who will be selected to negotiate a Contract with DCC. The estimated construction cost for this project is in the order of magnitude of $10.8 Million. Firms that consider themselves qualified to provide these services are invited to submit their Proposals through the MERX Electronic Bidding System on or before the closing date and time indicated on the Electronic Bidding System. The BGCM project will provide a new curing facility addition to the existing K4 Maintenance Facility at 5 CDSB Gagetown. A summary of project requirements developed by DND are quantified in the Requirements and Recommendation (R&R) in Annex A, and detailed net and gross area requirements are itemized in the Functional Space Program (FSP) included in Annex A of the R&R. The R&R is the document that identifies the project Concept of Operations (ConOps) and the FSP provides a detailed description of user spaces as approved by all stakeholders. Minor improvements and adjustments to the spatial requirements can be discussed with user groups during the concept phase. The project site will be located as illustrated in Annex F: Proposed Site Location. Under the current National Building Code of Canada, this facility is categorized as a Group F building. It is an addition to the existing K4 facility (gross floor area of 13096.7m2) with service continuity between the maintenance facility and the curing facility. The scope of this contract includes the full design of approximately 1,200m2 interior gross space bridge curing/inspection facility addition to K4 at 5 CDSB Gagetown and all associated works to the end of construction documents which must be a complete biddable package. The facility is to encompass four to six (4-6) maintenance bay areas with a center corridor to accommodate a 25-tonne overhead crane, in an open concept with garage doors with direct access to the outside. The facility will be designed and certified to Two Globes level of the Green Globes Standard/Net Zero Carbon and also designed as per the National Building Code of Canada (NBCC) Normal criteria. Summary of previous geotechnical investigation report is included in Annex K. For bidding purposes, the Design-Builder is to assume the geotechnical findings and recommendations are correct, and the site was remediated in 1996 based on analysis completed at that time. Undertake required pre-design studies including; geotechnical investigation and topographic survey (to confirm assumptions from previous investigation findings and recommendations), seismic testing (such as multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW)) for seismic analysis and seismic site determination to be carried out according to NBCC, latest editions, including 2020 and environmental sampling program to provide sufficient information concerning existing soil, bedrock and ground water conditions so that suitable foundations for the new facility can be designed, and any potential environmental concerns identified. A minimum of ten borehole (10) environmental samples is mandatory. Implementation including construction, commissioning, and certification of the facility. Utilities scope of work includes design and extension of existing site services including water, sewer, communications, power, gas, etc. in support of the new addition to the K4 building. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.




Public - Federal

Addition, Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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100 Broad Rd, Oromocto, NB

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