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Site work for a civil project in Brunswick, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of April 5, 2024, the project was awarded to TB Landmark Construction, Inc. but the awarded amount is not available.** Question Deadline 02/13/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Questions regarding this solicitation shall be made in writing to the Purchasing Director, Pam Crosby, via email: All responses to submitted questions will be Bids shall be accompanied by a bid bond or certified cashier's check in an amount not less than 5% of the base bid. All bonds shall be by a surety company licensed in Georgia with an "A" minimum rating of performance and a financial strength of at least five times the contract price as listed in the most current publication of "Best's Key Rating Guide Property Liability." Performance and Payment Bonds, each in an amount equal to 100% of the contract price shall be required of the successful bidder if contract is awarded. Each Bond shall be accompanied by a "Power of Attorney" authorizing the attorney-in-fact to bind the surety and certified to include the date of the bond. Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation, the rights to reject any or all nonconforming, nonresponsive, unbalanced or conditional Bids and to reject the Bid of any Bidder if Owner believes it would not be in the best interest of the Project to make an award to Bidder, whether because the Bid is not responsive or the Bidder is unqualified or of doubtful financial ability or fails to meet any other pertinent standard or criteria established by the Owner. Thursday, 3/21/2024 Anticipated Award Date No later than 05/31/ 2024 Anticipated Contract Execution, Kick-off Meeting and Notice To Proceed Date Issued to Selected Contractor No later than 06/20/2025 Anticipated Project Completion Date This project contains work elements associated with sewer forcemain installation to support the sewer pumping station 4105 and 4107 service areas located along Cate Road within the North Mainland Service District of Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia. The work to be performed underthis contract consists of furnishing allskills, labor,materials,tools, equipment, appurtenances and incidentalsrequiredtoconstruct complete,inplace, andreadytooperate as show on the plans. JWSC requests qualified individuals and firms with experience in sewer forcemain installation. Firms should have the qualification to provide the requested services that will include materials, labor, equipment and superintendent in accordance with the Technical Specifications and Contract documents. The contractor's responsibility includes; but is not limited to construction sequencing in accordance with the Contract Documents, quality control of workmanship and materials, handling of all materials, handling and disposal of all waster and compliance with regulatory standards governing the work for the completed construction of PS 4105-4107 Forcemain - JWSC Project No. 2001 in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, 31525. A detailed project area and scope of work is contained in Site Construction Plans - Exhibit A and Technical Specifications - Exhibit B. The PS4105 Forcemain segment is from PS4105 at 110 Winstead Drive to SSMH#40360490 near the intersection of Crispen Boulevard and Eagles Pointe Drive. The PS4107 Forcemain segment is from PS4107 at 1430 Cate Road to SSMH#41050240 near the intersection of Cate Road and Perry Lane Road. The approximate pipe length and sizes, along with other associated work are listed below: 1) Approximately 1,200 Linear Feet (LF) of 12-inch and 1,200 LF of 18-inch forcemain via the trenchless method, stub-out to future connection to PS4105, and all necessary appurtenances. 2) Approximately 4,000 Linear Feet (LF) of 12-inch forcemain via open cut construction, stub-out to future connection of PS4105 and all necessary appurtenances. 3) Approximately 450 Linear Feet (LF) of 12-inch forcemain via trenchless method, stub-out for future connection of PS4107, and all necessary appurtenances. 4) All associated mobilization/demobilization, demolition, tree removal, proper disposal of drilling mud and other fluids and materials, required staging and work areas, removal, disposal, and replacement of unsuitable soils, dewatering, temporary sewer bypassing, all joint materials, fittings, gaskets, adapters, and coatings, all testing, soil erosion, and sedimentation control, maintenance of traffic (vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle), complete project area restoration, adherence to all permit requirements including sampling and monitoring, project photographs and videos, as-builts, and record documents, and all other work and appurtenances shown on the Construction Drawings and indicated or implied in the Contract Documents and Specifications, or required for the forcemain, gravity sewer, and watermain systems complete and ready for use. 5) The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, services, and incidentals to complete all Work required by these Specifications and as shown on the Construction Drawings. 6) The Contractor shall perform the Work complete, in place, and ready for continuous service, and shall include repairs, testing, permits, cleanup, replacements, and restoration required as a result of disturbances and damages caused during this construction. 7) All materials, equipment, skills, tools and labor which is reasonably and properly inferable and necessary for the proper completion of the Work in a substantial manner and in compliance with the requirements stated or implied by these Specification or Drawings shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor without additional compensation, whether specifically indicated in the Contract Documents or not. 8) Diversion Bypass pumping is required at all sites listed above. See technical specification, Exhibit B, for further details and requirements. 9) The Contractor shall comply with all Municipal, County, State, Federal, and other codes which are applicable to this Project


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Brunswick, GA

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