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Published March 27, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Happy Jack, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

127EAX24Q0005 - Coconino NF FSR 141/141H Haul and Spread Resurfacing Project Description of Work: Construction This project will consist of reconditioning and resurfacing with crushed aggregate approximately 5.34 miles of FSR 141H and 0.11 miles of FSR 123 with three options to recondition and resurface with crushed aggregate approximately 1.00 miles of FSR 141 and replace and install culverts within the FSR 141H and FSR 123 project bounds. Work will consist of reconditioning ditches, shoulders, roadbeds, aggregate surfaces, and the roadway. Cleaning culverts, culvert inlet and outlets, and lead off ditches. Removing and replacing corrugated metal pipe culvert. Installing corrugated metal pipe culvert at new locations. This project will utilize a government sourced crushed aggregate located at the Cinch Hook Pit, which is accessed from the junction of AZ-87 and AZ-260, on the south side of AZ-87. Location: This project is located within the Mogollon Rim Ranger District of Coconino National Forest. The project begins approximately 50 miles South of Flagstaff, from the AZ-87 State Highway to FSR 141 proceeding East and South to the 141H intersection. FSR 141H is an aggregate surfaced road used for recreational activities and timber sales. FSR 123 and FSR 141 are similarly surfaced and utilized. Basis for Award: The Government Anticipates awarding a Firm Fixed-Price Contract using RFQ Best Value-Technically Acceptable: Award will be made to the offer that meets or exceeds the requirements contained herein, at the price that is most advantageous to the government will be determined to be the best value. Price reasonableness will be determined by using competitive solicitation process. No Site Visit has been scheduled Contact: Contracting Officer Representative (COR): Taylor Connolly, Taylor.Connolly@usda.gov This project is a 100% Small Business Set-Aside. NAICS CODE 237310 Highway, Street & Bridge Construction Magnitude of project is between $250,000 and $500,000 (corrected 2/7/202) Davis-Bacon wages apply. Payment and Performance bonds are required. Send questions to: michelle.l.bahr@usda.gov no later than February 27, 2024, at 1:00 pm MT. In order to be eligible for award of a Federal Contract, potential vendors need to be registered and active in the System for Award Management (SAM) www.sam.gov at the time of offer submission. Offer Submissions: Offerors shall submit the Return Packet - including a Business Package and a Technical Package. The required information SF1442, Section B and K (business package) and Section M (technical Package) of the solicitation. Offers or responses to the solicitation (include the solicitation number in the name of the document 127EAX24Q0005) may be sent to the Contracting officer by email: michelle.l.bahr@usda.gov before the deadline. The Deadline for receipt of responses to the RFQ shall be March 12, 2024 @ 1:00 pm MT. No Further information is available at this time. The complete solicitation package will be attached and made available only through SAM.gov, https://sam.gov/content/home on or about 15 days of this notice (January 24, 2024). Anyone wishing to participate in this proposed procurement must obtain their copy from SAM.gov. Copies will not be mailed from the Contracting Office. All amendments will be posted on SAM.gov. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Happy Jack, AZ

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