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Published January 28, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Cottonwood Heights, Utah. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The District may engage in the study, design, survey, and related services described in Attachment A under an individual contract or purchase order. The District is requesting statements of interest and qualifications for the following service packages, identified for procurement between March 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025 Should include the following information: 1. Firm name, contact information, and location of office(s); 2. Age and financial stability of firm; 3. Average number of employees over the past five years in the office that will be the primary provider of services to the District; 4. Firm or individual quality assurance and control plan 5. Qualifications of the firm, including education, training, licenses, certifications, awards, performance ratings, or other relevant credentials. For each project package or service for which the design professional seeks to qualify, the SOQ shall include the following information: 1. A management plan including key personnel and subconsultants; 2. Qualifications and related work experience for key personnel; 3. A summary of related projects performed by the firm; 4. Experience, work history, special technical capabilities, and expertise of the firm, and available equipment (including software); 5. References from at least three (3) clients on previous projects with preference given to related projects completed in the last three years; and 6. Any other relevant information. Project packages or services provided entirely by a subconsultant will not be considered. For questions regarding this solicitation or to submit an SOQ, please contact: Ammon Allen, Engineering Manager Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake and Sandy allen@mwdsls.org (801) 942-9687 The Districts offices are located at 3430 East Danish Road in Cottonwood Heights, Utah 84093 The Metropolitan Water District of Salt Lake & Sandy (District) invites the submittal of Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) from qualified professionals (Consultant) interested in providing on-call engineering, architecture, and survey services in connection with District projects and operations. The District identifies in Attachment A the services that are reasonably expected to begin within the next 16 months. These efforts are generally small in scope and cost. The District may engage in the study, design, survey, and related services described in Attachment A under an individual contract and/or purchase order. The Districts request for SOQs does not obligate the District to award any contract or to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of an SOQ. All SOQs submitted to the District will be retained for a period of 16 months and considered for all projects for which the qualified professional has noted expertise. SOQs and SOQ updates can be submitted at any time, however only those SOQs on file with the District will be considered for selection at the time a selection process begins for an individual project or service. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 1, 2024


To Be Determined, Cottonwood Heights, UT

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