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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Clermont, Iowa. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The State of Iowa Department of Administrative Services (DAS) is seeking professional archaeological consultant services for areas of future excavation at the Montauk Historic Site. Questions, requests for clarification, and suggested changes from Respondents due to Construction Procurement 2/6/2024 @ 4:00 pm State Issuing Officer: Michael Bradbury Issuing Officer Iowa Department of Administrative Services Hoover State Office Building, First Floor 1305 East Walnut, Des Moines, IA 50319-0105 Phone : 515-823-9327 Email: The minimum number of days following the deadline for submitting Proposals that the firm guarantees all proposal terms, including price, will remain firm is 120 Days. Construction Manager (Boyd Jones) has been engaged for this Project to serve as advisor to DAS and to provide assistance in administrating the Contract for Consulting between DAS and the archaeological consultant according to separate contract between DAS and Construction Manager. DAS is currently seeking archaeological consultant services from qualified firms for a project consisting of a Phase 2 intensive archaeological survey at two locations. 2.8 NOTICE OF INTENT TO AWARD After the successful Company has been selected, a copy of the Notice of Intent to Award will be issued to all Companies who submitted Proposals in response to this RFP. 2.9 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS Prospective Companies may withdraw, modify, and/or resubmit at any time prior to the date and time set for the receipt of Proposals. Once the time set for receipt of Proposals has passed, a Company shall not withdraw a Proposal for a period of sixty (60) days following the issuance of the Notice of Intent to Award a contract. Proposals shall remain open and valid for consideration by DAS throughout this period of sixty days, and until such time thereafter that written request to withdraw a Proposal is received by DAS. 2.10 DISPOSITION OF PROPOSALS All Proposals become the property of DAS and disposition of the Proposals shall be at the sole discretion of DAS. The contract shall be awarded to the Company determined to be the best qualified to provide the services required under this RFP and the best value to the State. DAS reserves the right to make a written request for additional information from a Company to assist in understanding or clarifying a Proposal. Any information received shall not be considered in the evaluation of the Firm's Proposal if it materially alters the content of said Proposal. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 20, 2024


26223 Harding Rd, Clermont, IA

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