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Published March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a residential development in Brunswick, Georgia. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; for the construction of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

The City of Brunswick Economic Development Department is requesting bids from pre-qualified and licensed contractors for Reconstruction of Residential Unit: 3011 Martin Luther King, Brunswick, GA 31520. Interested contractors shall be required to complete works as specified and outlined in the Work Scope Sheet included herein and the reference Detailed Plans and Specifications which will be provided to them. WAYS TO SUBMIT BID: Mailing: Sealed bids shall be enclosed and secured in an envelope/package and properly marked with BID:2024-07-HRRPRecon4 3011 Martin Luther King and displayed on the outside of envelope/package bearing the name, license number (if applicable, address of bidder, bid number and project identification). No other information shall be included or written on the outside of the bid envelope/package. E-Mailing: Alternatively, Bids can be e-mailed. In subject, please indicate: BID:2024-07- HRRPRecon4 3011 Martin Luther King and the message should also include the name of bidder, address and license number. Please forward it to: Anwar Mamukid e-mail: amamukid@cityofbrunswick-ga.gov All Bids (both mailed and e-mailed will not be opened until after the submission deadline ends. All Bids shall be received on or before the deadline to be considered timely, regardless of the method of delivery. This is an absolute requirement. All risk of late arrival due to unanticipated delay-- whether delivered by hand, U.S. Postal Service, courier, or other delivery service - is entirely on the Contractor. It is the sole responsibility of the Contractor to have the proposal physically in the advertised Office by the dates specified in this IFB. The time of delivery will be marked on each application when received, and any application received after the proposal submission deadline will be rejected. All questions must be submitted in writing to Anwar M. Mamukid, Construction Manager, CDBG-DR at amamukid@cityofbrunswick-ga.gov. Proper reference to this Invitation for Bid is required. The deadline for submitting questions is 3:00 p.m., February 14, 2024. All changes in specifications shall be in writing in the form of an addendum. Verbal information obtained otherwise will not be considered in awarding of bids. Addendum to Bid: If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this request for bids, an addendum will be provided in writing to all pre-qualified bidders receiving this request for bids. All amendments issued by City of Brunswick Economic & Development office must be acknowledged in writing by bidder. It shall be the Bidders' responsibility to ensure they have all addenda. Contract Award: Award of contract will be made to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder whose bid meets the requirements and criteria set forth in the IFB/RFPQ for Pool of Contractors and most advantageous. In determining the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the City will consider/evaluate the bidders' past and current performance of other City contracts, to include factors such as timely delivery and guaranteed delivery date. The successful bidder will be expected to agree to the provisions contained in the attached "Sample Construction Agreement" by executing a copy of that contract. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, in whole or in part, that are deemed to be in the best interest of the City at its sole discretion Mandatory Bid Security: Each bid must be accompanied by an irrevocable letter of credit from the bank, certified check, or bank cashier's check or Surety Bond, which will be issued for City of Brunswick, Georgia, in the amount not less than five percent (5%) of the bid. Bid bonds may be accepted as bid security. Such checks will be returned to all (except the winning bidder) within three days after the opening of bids. Without Bid Security, a bid will not be accepted. Mandatory Performance and Payment Bonds: A performance and payment bond will be required of the successful bidder (contractor) for 100 percent of the contract price on contracts over $100,000 The time of completion for the Reconstruction to receive an "Acceptance of Work" will be (150) calendar days from the start date. The contractor's start date shall be no later than ten (10) business days after receipt of the Notice to Proceed. Liquidated Damages: Should the contractor fail to complete this contract and the work provided therein within the time fixed for such completion, the contractor shall become liable to COB for all loss and damage which the City may suffer on account thereof. It is agreed and understood that it will be difficult and impossible to ascertain and determine the actual damage which the City will sustain in the event of, and by reason of, such delay. It is therefore agreed that the contractor will pay to the City in liquidated damages the sum of $250.00 per day for each contract and every calendar day of delay beyond the time herein prescribed for finishing the work. In case same is not paid, the contractor agrees that the City may deduct the amount of liquidated damages from any money due or that becomes due the contractor under this contract. All deductions from any money due the contractor is considered to be liquidated damages and not a penalty.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work



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December 3, 2024

February 25, 2025


3011 Martin Luther King Jr Blvd, Brunswick, GA

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