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Published February 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, remodeling and renovation of a municipal facility in Arnett, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the remodel of a municipal facility.

*You may submit your bid using one of the following methods: 1. FEDEX / UPS / DROP OFF your bid to the JDH Elk City Office (105 Clyde Ave, Elk City, OK 73644) – NO LATER THAN TUESDAY AFTERNOON. 2. FEDEX / UPS / DROP off your bid direct to the Ellis County Courthouse 3. Be at the public bid opening on at Ellis County Courthouse – prior to WEDNESDAY 2/21/24 AT 12:00 PM VAN WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING OR BRINGING BIDS FROM HIS OFFICE – PLEASE GET YOUR BIDS TO ELLIS COUNTY COURTHOUSE PRIOR TO NOON ON WEDNESDAY. County Repairs, located at: 100 Washington St., Arnett, OK 73832. Project Description: HVAC Replacement; renovation Bid Packages: #1 Selective Demolition and Earthwork (L&M) #2 Concrete (L&M) #3 Aluminum Glass & Glazing (L&M) #4 Paints and Coatings (L&M) The intent of the following BID PACKAGES SUMMARIES are to describe the SCOPE OF WORK to be included in the bid proposal for each bid package item. Bid Package "1": SELECTIVE DEMOLITION AND EARTHWORK [BONDED] (L&M)- 1. Furnish all required surveying and layout for this scope of work from Property Corners and Benchmark Elevations established by the Construction Manager. 2. Furnish and install all indicated erosion and sediment control measures including but not limited to: Construction Entrances, Silt Fence, Check Dams, Erosion Control Devices, and other items indicated in the Contract Documents. 3. Contractor is responsible for all permits (DEQ, etc), including all earthwork required for DEQ permit 4. Remove all items indicated to be demolished or removed in the contract documents (Including saw cutting as necessary). 5. All earthwork/gravel for temporary entrance road with lay off area for project 6. Complete all Site Clearing, Over Excavation, Subgrade Preparation, Soil Stabilization, Engineered Fill, Unsuitable Soil Removal, and Final Site Grading (Multiple Mobilizations), required to complete this Scope of Work at new concrete stair areas. 7. Complete final backfills at stairs and around the building. 8. All earthwork required for stairs, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters. 9. Contractor is responsible for cleaning / removal of debris associated with their work from roadways. Bid Package "2": CONCRETE (1) All this work shall be completed as specified and as described on the Drawings. (2) Excavation for all footings as specified. (3) Furnish and install vapor barrier, metal keyway, perimeter insulation board, fiber expansion joint, waterproof membrane and necessary forming of bulkheads and placing of screeds as specified. (4) Concrete sealer as specified is included in this bid package. (5) This package includes concrete stairs, slabs, walls and footings. (6) All edges of concrete shall be chamfered per plans. (7) Furnish & install all reinforcing steel. (8) Termite Control (per specifications) (9) Non-Shrink Grout (10)Disposal of spoils from foundation excavation. Includes, but not limited to: 1. Furnish all required surveying and layout for this scope of work from property corners and benchmark elevations established by the construction manager 2. Excavation / backfilling as necessary to complete this scope of work 3. All dewatering as required to complete this scope of work. 4. Furnish and install all required concrete reinforcing steel, concrete accessories, concrete material, rigid foundation insulation, formwork, curing compounds/processes, and concrete finishes to install all building foundation systems. 5. Removal / disposal of all excess spoils from your scope of work. 6. Furnish / install granular subgrade as outlined in plans / specs. 7. Furnish / install vapor retarder underneath slab-on-grade. 8. Furnish and install all required concrete reinforcing steel, concrete accessories, concrete material, rigid foundation insulation, formwork, curing compounds/processes, and concrete finishes to install building slab-on grade, and elevated building and ceiling concrete slabs. 9. Furnish and apply evaporation retarder or other weather protection methods as required. 10. Curing of the slab-on-grade as indicated in the plans / specs. 11. Furnish all concrete pumping services and or concrete conveying equipment as required to complete this scope of work. 12. Concrete testing as required to complete this scope of work. 13. Clean up and removal of all excess concrete materials, spillage, and waste within 5 days of concrete pours. 14. Furnish all required cold and hot concrete admixtures to complete this scope of work during cold and hot temperature concrete placements. 15. Furnish and install all concrete saw joints, construction joints, and keyways. 16. Furnish and install all sidewalks, including required excavation. 17. Furnish and install all expansion joints in the sidewalks and site paving as required by the plans/specs. 18. Furnish and install all concrete walls. 19. Furnish and install all concrete stair treads. 20. Furnish and install all site concrete paving. Bid Package "3": ALUMINUM GLASS AND GLAZING Includes, but not limited to: 1. Furnish and install hardware for your scope of work. 2. Furnish and install all interior and exterior joint sealants for your scope of work. 3. Furnish and install all indicated exterior doors and glazing. 4. Demolition and disposal of existing entrances and glazing per plans. 5. Any required prep work for installation of access controls. Bid Package "4": PAINTS AND COATINGS 1. Tape, bed of drywall repairs needed to complete interior painting. 2. Epoxy painting per plans and specs. 3. Furnish and install all concrete stair sealer, including required prep per plans. 4. Painting of all interior offices per plans and specs. 5. Furnish and install all joint sealants between gypboard wall systems and ceilings as indicated in the plans and specs. Question Deadline 02/14/2024 Bidders and Sub-bidders requiring clarification or interpretation of the Bidding Documents shall make a written request to the Construction Manager which shall reach the Architect at least seven days prior to the date for receipt of Bids.




Public - County

Demolition, Remodeling, Renovation, Site Work



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February 21, 2024

March 22, 2024


100 Washington St, Arnett, OK

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