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Published February 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of an educational facility in Ludowici, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.
Long County Schools invites and welcomes proposals for their Roof Replacement Long County Pre-K project. Based on your previous work experience, your firm has been selected to receive this RFP and is invited to submit a proposal. Please take the time to carefully read and become familiar with the proposal requirements. The objective and ultimate goal for this project is replace the roof to code. Current roof is low slope roof inspect and replace roof to code and warranty Bidders Should Note That any and All Work Intended to Be Subcontracted as Part of the Bid Submittal Must Be Accompanied by Background Materials and References for Proposed Subcontractor(S) - No Exceptions. Questions may be submitted in written form to: Darrell P. Mosley 1657 GA Hwy 57Ludowici, Georgia 31316, 912-545-7950, The project associated with this RFP is or shall be located at 116 S Main St, Ludowici, Georgia 31316. For questions or information regarding Scope of work, contact; Darrell P. Mosley, Director Of Transportation/Operations, 912-545-7897, For questions or information regarding Scope of work, contact: Darrick Madison, Operations Assistant, 912-545-7950, The following timeline has been established to ensure that our project objective is achieved; however, the following project timeline shall be subject to change when deemed necessary by management. Begin work: February 5, 2024 Complete Work: April 30, 2024 Long County Schools shall award the contract to the proposal that best accommodates the various project requirements. Long County Schools reserves the right to: (i) award any contract prior to the proposal deadline or prior to the receipt of all proposals, (ii) award the contract to more than one Bidder, and (iii) refuse any proposal or contract. All invited Bidders are required to submit a "Letter of Intent" no later than January 26, 2024 informing Long County Schools of their intent to either submit or decline to submit a proposal. Only those proposals received by the stated deadline will be considered. All proposals, submitted by the deadline, will be reviewed and evaluated based upon information provided in the submitted proposal. In addition, consideration will be given to cost and performance projections. Furthermore, the following criteria will be given considerable weight in the proposal selection process: 1. Proposals received by the stipulated deadline must be in the correct format. 2. Bidder's alleged performance effectiveness of their proposal's solution. 3. Bidder's performance history and alleged ability to timely deliver proposed services. 4. Bidder's ability to provide and deliver qualified personnel having the knowledge and skills required to effectively and efficiently execute proposed services. 5. Overall cost effectiveness of the proposal. Long County Schools reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or discontinue any proposal at any time, without obligation or notice to the proposing bidder. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION FORMAT The following is a list of information that the Bidder should include in their proposal submission: Summary of Bidder Background 1. Bidder's Name(s) 2. Bidder's Address 3. Bidder's Contact Information (and preferred method of communication) 4. Legal Formation of Bidder (e.g. sole proprietor, partnership, corporation) 5. Date Bidder's Company was Formed 6. Description of Bidder's company in terms of size, range and types of services offered and clientele. 7. Bidder's principal officers (e.g. President, Chairman, Vice Presidents), Secretary, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, General Managers) and length of time each officer has performed in his/her field of expertise. 8. Bidder's Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) 9. Evidence of legal authority to conduct business in Georgia (e.g. business license number). 10. Evidence of established track record for providing services and/or deliverables that are the subject of this proposal 11. Organization chart showing key personnel that would provide services to Long County Schools Financial Information Provide a copy of the most recent audited financial statement, or an annual report by a certified public accountant. State whether the Bidder or its parent company (if any) has ever filed for bankruptcy or any form of reorganization under the bankruptcy code. State whether the Bidder or its parent company (if any) has ever received any sanctions or is currently under investigation by any regulatory or governmental body. Proposed Outcome Summary of timeline and work to be completed. Equipment or Service List any and all equipment or services required for this proposed project and the number of each. Detailed estimated cost for each piece of equipment or service. List any or equipment or services required of a subcontractor, along with a brief explanation. List any accommodation, services, or space required from Long County Schools, along with a brief explanation.\ Cost Proposal Summary and Breakdown A detailed list of any and all expected costs or expenses related to the proposed project. Summary and explanation of any other contributing expenses to the total cost. Brief summary of the total cost of the proposal. Licensing and Bonding Provide details of licenses and bonds (if any) for any proposed services that the bidder/contractor may plan on providing for this project. Insurance Details of any liability or other insurance provided with regard to the staff or project. By submitted a proposal, Bidder agrees that Long County Schools may contact all submitted references to obtain any and all information regarding Bidder's performance.
Public - County
Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.
Trades Specified
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February 2, 2024
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116 S Main St, Ludowici, GA
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