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Published January 29, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Topeka, Kansas. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Purpose for Request The City of Topeka (City) is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for Project No. 841097.08, "SE 6th Avenue (SE Golden Avenue to SE Rice Road.)" (the Project). The services include providing engineering design and construction documents for pavement improvements to the roadway. Background Information SE 6th Ave. is a five-lane arterial roadway that provides access to areas of east Topeka and connects to US-40 and K-4 highways further to the east. This section of the corridor provides direct access to residential streets and neighborhoods as well as several commercial and industrial businesses. The project is anticipated to begin at the existing asphalt/concrete pavement transition west of the Golden Ave. intersection and end at the west curb return prior to the Rice Rd. intersection. The project will include reconstructing the pavement in the Golden Ave. intersection. A separate construction project will replace the traffic signals and make associated sidewalk ramp improvements at the Golden Ave. intersection in 2024. See the project limits aerial map below for an illustration of the general project location. The existing concrete pavement condition consists of significant surface distresses in panels and failures at joint locations throughout the project limits. Anticipated pavement improvements include full-depth concrete panel replacement and joint repair, as well as an edge mill and 2" asphalt overlay over the roadway. Other pavement improvement strategies can be considered for this project. Anticipated improvements to the 6th Ave. bridge over Deer Creek (G14A) include various repairs to the west abutment and approach slabs, deck patching, and a polymer overlay. The proposed project schedule includes survey and design in 2024, with construction to occur in 2025 and 2026. Any additional right-of-way acquisition or utility relocations will need to be coordinated within this schedule. Construction is anticipated to be phased over two construction seasons in order to carry traffic and provide access during construction. Construction inspection is anticipated to be performed by City personnel. Scope of Services This project will produce a set of drawings and project manual for the roadway improvement project. The project will be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Topeka and Shawnee County Standard Technical Specifications. Basic Services provided may include, but are not limited to the following: A. Meet with City staff at critical stages throughout the design process. B. Perform field and topographic surveys, as needed. C. Coordinate with the City Utilities Department to assess the existing condition of Cityowned utility systems, and determine warrants and guidelines to follow for improvements to these systems. D. Coordinate with private utility owners to locate existing utilities, identify potential conflicts, and relocate utilities, as necessary. E. Investigate existing subgrade and pavement types, thicknesses, and conditions. Perform investigative soil borings, as needed. F. Design roadway improvements including pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk ramp, and pavement markings/signing, as necessary. G. Prepare temporary easement, permanent easement, and/or right-of-way descriptions as necessary. H. Develop construction phasing and traffic control plans to carry traffic during construction. I. Develop and submit conceptual drawings (30% complete) with an estimate of probable construction costs (EPCC). J. Develop and submit field check drawings (60% complete) and an updated EPCC. K. Facilitate two (2) public meetings: the first to be held after field check drawings are complete to introduce residents and business owners to the project and gather input; the second to be held after the bid letting, but prior to construction. L. Develop and submit office check drawings and project manual (90% complete) and an updated EPCC. M. Develop and submit final drawings, project manual, invitation to bid, bid form, and a final EPCC for the purpose of bidding the project. N. Respond to questions from prospective bidders, as necessary. O. Prepare addenda, as necessary. P. Prepare a tabulation of bids and make a recommendation of award for construction. Proposal Format All information submitted becomes the property of the City of Topeka. Proposals received after the time indicated in this request will not be considered. Proposals are to be limited to a total of 10 (ten) pages (not counting front and back cover, cover letter, table of contents, and section dividers) using margins not smaller than 0.75" and font size not smaller than 10. The proposal should include the following: A. Project understanding B. Project approach C. Company background D. Similar experience E. Project team F. Proposed design schedule G. Exhibit (limit 1 page; 8"x11.5" or 11"x17"; e.g. preliminary alignment for the Project, plan-profile sheet from a previous project, public relations flier from previous project)


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 21, 2025


SE 6th St, Topeka, KS

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